Yes, sir we all know the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. A child who has been bullied for the better half of her life knows that others will throw sticks, stones and kick her when she is down. What the bully doesn’t know or never understood was that broken bones heal.
In my childhood years I was bullied as a kid. For instance, I would run, hide and cry. Til this day, I remember when a group of neighborhood kids taunted me everyday and would follow me home. A large group would stand right outside our front door and some would be screaming profanities outside my window. Every single day this would happen. As soon as I got off the bus to walk home. I would try to stand up for myself but I couldn’t. There were too many of them and only one of me. Yes, sometimes the cops were involved but that didn’t really do much but make the matter worse. I had no choice but to put up a wall and grow some thick skin.
Do you realize that disrespect is an understatement, you actually bullied another human being. I’m sure you never looked at it that way and I know this is going to hit you hard. You have never looked at yourself as a bully nor have you ever wanted to treat people in that manner. To think that someone you care about looks at you as a bully. I’m sorry, you know the truth hurts and I know you want the truth no matter how hurtful it is. Your lies only coated the pain. Your name calling only made you feel worse about yourself in the end. Those sticks, those stones they broke my bones but your name calling never hurt me.
I approached you with respect from the moment I introduced myself. I even approached you formally with your given name. “Good afternoon Mr. or Mrs. and so on”. I praised you and the accomplishments you had achieved. Still, you threw sticks and stones at me. You broke my bones to test me and see what I was made of. As I put together all the broken pieces to rebuild my backbone, understand that I have so much respect for you that it hurts me to hurt you. I know my strength and even now, I hold it together out of respect for you. Now I ask you, do you see the strength of someone who has been hit with sticks and stones?
Sticks and stones will build your thrones but love lives ever after.
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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat and tamed by the golden belt buckle. She was a toddler then. Too young to remember but lived with the mark. Some would say she was too feisty as a child and wouldn’t listen. Others say her stubborn and independent ways would become useful as she got older. To live a life of pain and torture, she felt it was always best to give others a fighting chance. Never wanting another human being to ever feel her pain. She knew scars healed on the outside and were harder to heal on the inside.
Thru the years, many scars healed but one always remained. At times she would feel self-conscious. Not wanting others to know she lived with this scar, she would keep it covered at all times. As she developed into her teen years, she was able to cover it with her bra and bra strap.
Alone in her room reflecting
“Holy Shit” she said out loud. “I can’t believe I climaxed so many times in just one night!” I have had consistently great sex but last night takes the cake. Maybe I have short term memory but this feeling I have is completely untouchable. She remembered going to her room alone after the concert. So who was it that pleased her with so much pleasure? “I know I drank a little too much last night, but I don’t remember inviting anyone in for a night cap”. She was perplexed but she really didn’t care because she had a total body sensation that made her feel entirely relaxed. She had orgasmed so many times, all of the stress and tension must have been released.
While in the shower, she started laughing to herself. Just then she realized she had purchased a new vibrator for her anniversary night with her husband. She must have tried it out last night. “Wow, it worked wonders”, she said to herself.
Was it wrong to have so much pleasure?
As her hang over wore off, she started to realize that it wasn’t just the vibrator that made her feel so good. It was the fantasies she was having about the great looking guy she bumped into. “Oh my God” she said to herself. “This is wrong, this is very wrong. I am a married woman. What will my husband think? Today is our anniversary.” Her mind was completely confused. She really really enjoyed her fantasies beyond measure. She felt great physically, but mentally she was torn. “If anyone finds out I was having fantasies of another man other than my husband, I will go to hell.” Furthermore, it goes completely against the vows of matrimony. And how ironic, it was her 6th year wedding anniversary. She began to feel ashamed of herself.
Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.
Mason Cooley
Like a dog on a leash, her mind would only travel so far before returning back to reality. Not only did she sit their waiting for her husband to arrive but also would think about the mystery guy over and over again. “Why does he keep popping into my head. It’s not like I know him”. Is it possible to be attracted to someone without knowing anything about them?
If you enjoyed reading Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
Sheri what is wrong with you? Why are you so complicated? Girl, you are so emotional. You need to just let that shit go. My answer for that is, why all of a sudden does it bother you and what’s wrong with being a complicated beauty?
Oh Honey, I know you wish you could have my looks, my style and my brains. LOL!! Yeah, well truth is, their is only one Sheri. I have my own look, my own style and my own brains. Furthermore, I have multiple personalities that keep you, your family and friends entertained. No wonder they keep coming back for more.
What does complicated mean?
At first when looking up the definition, I found that it involves complications. Duh, no really!! In other words, consisting of interconnecting parts. But Sheri, what does that mean? Clearly it means a circumstance that complicates something. Right! Well in short, it means difficulties. For instance, let’s say you are going about your day with routine activities and all of a sudden a global pandemic hits. As a result of this circumstance beyond your control, you are now faced with difficulties and your world becomes complicated. Was that a good example?
Or you are walking down the street minding your own business and bam, some great looking guy bumps into you and asks you out for coffee or some kind of drink. It doesn’t need to be an alcoholic beverage. Any drink, I don’t know, just pick a drink. Next thing you know, he’s asking you to marry him and you have only known him for like two weeks? This can be a very complicated situation here people. What if the girl is already currently married and living a double life? And he’s a friggen spy like James Bond in 007 where everything he touches turns to gold. He constantly makes millions of dollars. Possibly on the verge of becoming a billionaire. Did you ever think that having the Midas touch could scare a woman away?
The complicated lovers
No, I didn’t think so. But still, they seem to gravitate towards one another. She says “no, I can’t”. He says “but why not? Any woman would want this fabulously shining looking coin.” Again, she says “I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Then, he’s like “Fuck you bitch, your loss”. Needless to say, she cried about it. She was like, “doesn’t he understand that I have all of these external factors to work thru”. He’s like “I don’t give a rats ass what you have to work thru. You either want it or you don’t.” She was like, “Well Fuck you too then, I’m gonna go handle my business with or without you.” He thru his hands up in the air, shook his head and said “Fine, I didn’t want you anyway”. Why is everything so complicated?
What is the meaning of beauty?
Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities. Specifically, shape, form or color that entices the human sense of eyesight. For example, the dress I saw in the window would look good on me. Therefore, I will be seen as a beauty. Notice how I used the word “saw” and “look”. It focuses on what the eyes see in appearances. So if it looks good on the hanger, than it will look good on me…LOL!! Another way to understand beauty is with the word vision. This is defined as the ability to use your eyes to see and interpret the world around you.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
Basically eyesight in this blog is focusing on the first impression of how something makes you feel when you first see it whereas vision is a deeper thought process. For example, Clark Kent vs Superman. Clark wears glasses and appears to be a clumsy ordinary man. Superman, has x-ray vision and can see into a person, like his or her soul. LOL!!
“But Grandmother! What big eyes you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “The better to see you with, my dear,” replied the wolf
What then is a complicated beauty?
A complicated beauty is the guacamole of circumstances and difficulties that are mixed with a combination of qualities. I said quality not quantity. I would say a complicated beauty is like a multitude of characteristics. Maybe I am a chameleon that camouflages myself or better yet, maybe I’m like a deer that is swift and compassionate. Personally, I like to think of myself as a complicated beauty. Indeed, that is only one of the many reasons why you like me. I know, I see you smiling. Based on my beauty blog definition, your teeth would be something we would see with our eyes. It’s not like I have x-ray vision into the mouth. The soul maybe. I’ll let you keep guessing on that one. But you already know.
Back to our complicated lovers
Now back to our complicated lovers. Yes, I said lovers. Because that is what they are. They can’t seem to be happy without one another and they can’t seem to be comfortable with each other. Where is the happy medium? They are completely beautifully complicated individuals who have complicated lives and yet they each have a special gift that no one else could ever understand but the two of them. Do they love each other? Why can’t they just walk away, let go and move on? Because, the string that keeps them connected won’t let them stray to far off their path. Some days she finds herself smiling with complete joy knowing that he’s pissing her off. At the same time, she’s frustrated because her animalistic side wants to devour him. Shall I continue with our complicated beauty series?
If you enjoyed reading What’s wrong with being a complicated beauty subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
Well lets see, what is on that girl’s mind for stabilization at the moment? That is your question, right? Currently, this girl’s mind is feeling overwhelmed. Ya know, like when too much is on your plate. In other words, bogged down by responsibilities. At the same time trying to balance where she is and where she wants to go.
What are this girl’s responsibilities?
Keeping her basic needs in tact (Shelter, Food, Clothing)
Career responsibilities (Going to work and handling the duties she is paid to do)
Paying Bills (keeping up with monthly and yearly bills, paying off debt, building up my nest egg, retirement, investments)
What does this girl want in order to lessen her load?
Well, she wants to have stabilization within her life. Furthermore, she cannot feel balanced if she is lacking on her responsibilities. In addition, she cannot move up a step on the Maslow Hierarchy of needs if all of her basic needs are not met. Please understand that she has to focus on her survival at the moment. Will it get better? Yes of course it will. She is doing everything she possibly can to get herself to stabilization.
I have always said that you can be on top and in the blink of an eye you can hit rock bottom. This is why, I do not judge another person because the tables will always turn. Can she climb the ladder again, absolutely. When you are on the ground, the only way forward is to go up. Some decide to stay on the ground, but not this chick. She is motivated to do what she can to get done what is necessary.
Try, Try and Try Again-Accomplish what they said you couldn’t do
What does this girl need for stabilization?
Who can help this girl get to stabilization?
Unfortunately, the only person who can get her to stabilization is herself. She does have people that reach out to see if she is OK because they are worried about her. She appreciates that, really she does and it does not go unnoticed.
I’m one of those people that thinks, well if I got myself into this mess, than I am the one to get me out of this mess. My mother always told me that you can jump into a situation but it will take longer to get out of the situation. As long as I know that I am doing what I can and what is right than I will be OK with myself. It does not make it easy and yes at times I am feeling frustrated, angry, sad, overwhelmed and completely exhausted. Don’t fret, I have strength and will power to help me get thru it all. This too shall pass.
Carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders=Strength and Will Power
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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
Has anyone every stopped and asked you what you are worth? Better yet, have you asked yourself what you are worth? If your answer is, I don’t know. My recommendation is that you take a good look in the mirror and evaluate yourself.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Do I look pretty or handsome?
I always say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Why, because when I look in the mirror, I see all the wonderful things that make up who I am. Equally, I know I am a good person. By the same token,I know I have have a big heart. Of course, I know I make mistakes. Not to mention, I know I can laugh at myself. Furthermore, I know I impact and help others. See to me these qualities are the beauty that resonates inside me. Expressing these qualities and showing others this quality only happens over time. These are attractive qualities. So if you are attracted to me, I can’t help it. It’s in my nature.
I am beautiful
Could I lose a few pounds?
Looking into the mirror, I notice that I’m overweight. Especially when step on the scale and your BMI says “obese”. LOL. All of that can change with the right mind set, diet plan and exercise. I really don’t have any excuse besides the fact that I have stretch marks on my stomach from the muscle elasticity when my stomach grew out to the size of a basketball when I was pregnant. Scars from a couple of surgeries. Taking care of everyone else before taking care of myself. Let’s not forget good old genetics and the wonderful world of motherhood. As I go thru my midlife crisis, I miss the younger days but now it’s my time to focus on Sheri.
Know Your Worth
If I only had money?
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses. Look, to each his own, but I am not into plastic surgery. If we could all look like barbie dolls that would be boring. Your outer shell tells a story about you. The wonderful creation of you. Are we a product of our environment? Will money solve my weight problem? Maybe, it would allow me to pay more money for the good quality food. It might help pay for a gym membership and possibly a personal trainer. While this sounds all great, we truly can go for a walk everyday. We can do sit ups, push-ups, meditation, etc in the comfort of our own homes. Basically what I am saying is that we cannot use money as an excuse for why we do or do not do something. If there is a will, there is a way.
I am so worth myself flaws and all
Am I worth it?
Well are you worth it? Only you can answer this question about your self worth. All I can tell you is that, when you know and feel your worth, it don’t matter what others say about you. This is why I focus a lot of my efforts on being grounded and knowing my roots. You stand tall and stronger in your self when you have firm roots.
If you enjoyed reading What Are You Worth subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts.
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Distractions are everywhere and can smother your mind at times.
Are distractions holding you back from going after your goals? A distraction is a process that will block or prohibit an individual from remaining focused on a desired outcome or goal. This definitely happens to the best of us. We have individual dreams and goals and most of the time we get stuck or blocked from being able to accomplish these dreams. I sometimes question myself and ask why?
Have you thought about some distractions that have been or could be blocking your Desired Goals?
Cell phones
Other People’s Opinions
Your Family
Social Activities
What are some ways to handle distractions that are holding you back?
Take a break
Watch the sun rise and or set
Listen to music
Take a hike in the woods
Try something new
Read a book
Take A Break from Distractions that might be holding you back
Relaxing from distractions in a hotel room on the Waterfront in downtown Baltimore, MD.
When I say take a break from distractions that might be holding you back, I am saying that sometimes we need to step out of the confusion in order to ground or regroup ourselves. For example, I like to take mini vacations to regroup. Specifically, I will go stay in a hotel for a night or two completely by myself. Some may call it solitude. To me, I get the rest I need. I am able to think about me as an individual and it allows me to figure out what I need to do in order to continue going after my goals. In addition to the rest, I am able to gain the energy that is needed to stay focused with the constant waves of everyday life challenges.
How can meditation help you from getting distracted?
Yoga Muriel at RI Yoga Center in Kingston, RI when I took my first Hot Power Yoga Class to help with my breathing and meditation techniques
Meditation is a technique used to help us as individuals to focus on mental clarity and awareness. If our minds are filled with other people’s opinions than maybe that means we are focused on other’s goals and not necessarily our own goals. However, I do feel that it is always good to listen to other people’s opinions but being able to decipher what will help guide you and what will hinder you are two different things. It has taken me a long time to learn from trials and errors thru life experiences that have gotten me to a place where I will listen to what other’s have to say, but in reality I will try my best to remain focused on me, the individual.
Is exercise a good way to handle distractions that may hold you back?
Exercise in itself is a must for a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. For instance, not only does exercise help with oxygen and blood flow through our veins and muscles to keep our blood pumping, it also helps to release negative toxins that may be trapped in our minds and bodies. For example, running can build your inner core strength, as well as, get rid of stomach fat and release endorphins that make you a happy person.
elevate barre and cycle studio has been a life savor for allowing me to exercise at my own pace. Personal Trainer, owner and my sister Sara Loretta has encouraged me to follow my dreams and become healthy at the same time. We both enjoy a variety of music which makes it fun.
I am not an expert on exercise and yes I need to get into a routine of finding an exercise that I enjoy doing. However, I do believe in the benefits for exercising. So the question you might have for me that I have for myself, is what is holding Sheri back from doing exercise if she knows she needs to and it will benefit her? I too am working on my own distractions. Handling one distraction at a time.
I’m a sucker for big old fashioned head phones. My favorite part is that they are Noise Canceling. Even better when you wear them, everyone still thinks you are listening to them and really you are drowning them out. My little secret. Beats Studio3
Listening to Music to distract my mind from distractions
First and foremost, music is one of the biggest forms of salvation for me. No matter what I am feeling or doing, music has an effect on me. Second, music is a very powerful tool that I use in many forms. For instance, I listen to music when I am happy, mad and sad. However, I enjoy all kinds of music. Third, I like to feel the music move through my body and feed into my soul. It can capture the pure essence of my being. Fourth, I enjoy listening to music to help me meditate. Specifically, it gets me in a zone to release anger or sadness that has been suppressed deep down inside. Fifth, music can be used as a form of expression. For example, when I try to sing like the artist or if I am dancing to the beat.
Singing and acting a fool to release my stress is one way I clear my mind from distractions. When the right beat hits my soul, forget about it. I don’t care who is around, I get lost in my own world. You know the saying “Dance as if no one is Watching”. I live that to my greatest potential.
Moreover, I drive with music, clean with music, exercise with music, sleep with music, socialize with music and I am sure you are getting the idea of the benefits of music with me. How does music have an affect on your own life and well being?
What about trying something new to help with distractions
Trying something new can also be a distraction, however for this blog we are looking at the benefits of trying something new to help with handling our distractions. For instance, if we never try something we have never done before, than how are we going to expand our minds that will help us reach our dreams and goals? For example, if you are open to learning a new culture or craft, you are now stimulating your brain cells.
Wine and Paint Night. My mom, big sis and my only daughter had a great night out, spending time together and trying something new.
Specifically, let’s look at paint and wine nights, that is one of the new craves going around. I could be behind on craves, but you get the idea. People are gathering together with old friends and meeting new friends while they are in a class learning how to paint a picture. As a result of an event like this, most people who finish this class are usually leaving with a smile on their faces. Specifically, they are feeling good about what they were able to learn on their own, amazed that they had the ability to create something of their own and they connected with someone new. I am sure the wine helped them to relax and open up a little bit. Hopefully you get the point.
In Conclusion Have You Thought About The Distractions in Your Own Life?
I know that we sometimes don’t want to look at reality and what is holding us back from truly going after our own dreams and goals. I do this all the time. Its called denial and we will distract ourselves and continue to distract ourselves until we are forced to look at the situation.
This picture is dark and gloomy, but isn’t that what a distraction can look like to someone who is confused? No soul, no direction, no reason for motivation.
What happens when we are in denial of many different situations? That’s a great question and it is a hard one to learn. I personally am working on figuring out what my own dreams and goals are. Specifically, taking the time in solitude to really focus on what I want for my life. In addition to this time for solitude, I continue to focus on handling my personal situations head on since they will not resolve themselves on their own. As a result to this understanding, I have learned that I am sensitive to some distractions and completely cold to other distractions.
Read a book about: The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and Destroying Your Soul
If you enjoyed reading Distractions Holding You Back subscribe to my e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts. Visit my YouTube page and or follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
Invest in my name, invest in my brand, what does that really mean? I’ve got the feeling that someone wants to brand me? Well, I can tell you that the only person branding Sheri is Sheri. Let that be clear. Yes, Sheri is a stubborn human being, however she is also kind and loving and likes to help others be the best they can be. Sheri’s Dream Catcher is about finding my purpose, passion and dreams. First, it started with the help of others who have reminded me of what I am capable of. Second, they believed in me before I believed in myself. As a result, I would not be where I am today without their direction and faith in me learning some hard core life lessons. I give thanks to all who have taught me valuable lessons and supporting me in following my own dreams. I do hope someday, I am able to reciprocate their kindness.
We are given our Native Name by what we do and who we are in spirit
My Native Name is Dream Catcher
In order for me to move forward with my dreams, I need to invest in my own name. Hence, invest in myself. Ultimately, that will lead to investing in my own brand. Since I have begun working on all aspects of my life, physical, emotional and spiritual, I have grown in more ways than one. As a result of growing stronger on the inside, I am sharing my thoughts and trials and tribulations with you in my blogs. Without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Sheri (pictured above) the Author and Creator of Sheri’s Dream Catcher. Sheri is a spiritual person who enjoys being spiritually, emotionally and physically connected to Our Ancestor’s Culture. Furthermore, she enjoys learning, traveling, connecting and educating herself everyday to help her on her spiritual path and journey.
Catching Dream with the help of a simple dream catcher
By looking at the picture above you see a dream catcher with the sun shining through it. This tells us that we have dreams that are still left for us to achieve prior to the sun setting. Legend also says that if you place the dream catcher above your head at night, the bad dreams will become entangled in the web which will be burned at suns first light. As a result of catching the bad dreams, this will allow your good dreams to pass through the web and travel down the feathers hanging from the dream catcher . Ultimately the good dreams will pass down into your mind. As a result, this process will allow you to see and follow your good dreams. Could this be where a vision comes from?
I like supporting Authentic Native American Products-Navajo Hand Made Dream Catcher
Shop Sheri’s Picks dream catchers and spiritual smudging kits are products that are recommended for inner core building and spiritual healing. Not only do I live by my traditions and beliefs, I also love dream catchers and smudging kits. Furthermore, I practice building my inner core and spiritual healing to help me with furthering my life’s purpose. For instance, I smudge just about daily to help cleanse away the negative energy. In addition, I enjoy inhaling the aroma of smudging with the Sage, Smudging Sticks and Palos Sticks. It feels so good once you light that baby up.
Focus on building your inner core and healing. This is the base for helping you to believe in yourself which in turn will give you the strength and courage you need to go after your own dreams.
Thank you for your support and encouragement
If you enjoyed reading Invest In My Name, Invest In My Brand subscribe to our e-mail list to stay updated with new blog posts.
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Just Over My Head or My Horizon are the colors of my mind
Colors of My Mind and My Space Between Energy and Light-My Horizon
What does it mean to relate colors of one’s mind to visions they see for the future? From my point of view, In colors of my mind I see that the spiritual realm is just over my head. At times I think it is the perception that what I am working towards is just over my horizon. The blue energy is just radiating over my head and to me it shows energy. First of all, my belief is that energy is powerful. However, I do not understand all the scientific and spiritual meanings and forms of energy, but I do believe in the power of energy. Similar to karma “what goes around comes around” and “law of attraction” meaning what you put out into the universe will come back to you. As a result of this belief, I try very hard to put good out into the world.
Get Inspired-I have read The Secret and have it in my nightstand-An insight into achieving what you want and need
Colors of my mind and being a Scorpio Sign
In addition, I am capable of diving deep into the shadows of the underworld. Being that I am a spiritual person and my birth sign is that of a Scorpio, I try to understand the traits of the zodiac sign. For instance, research states that a Scorpio sign represents the “death” card for endings and reincarnations. Furthermore, I don’t necessarily like to go into the shadow world, but I do know that if I can battle my own demons than I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. As in illustration, I will have to go deep into my own being/mind with time and meditation so that I can see clearly the right path to take.
Once I am able to learn how to take the power that is within myself, I will be able to shine my light (as a beacon) for myself and others. As a result of this belief, I will dive into the depths of my own soul. This can lead to deep understanding of one’s self along with faith and courage.
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Behold My Blue Eye in Colors of My Mind
They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and what does that mean to me? Specifically, I must believe in myself and see the beauty in myself. No matter how much or how many times a person tells you how beautiful you are, it does not affect you until you actually believe it yourself. The courage to believe in yourself will help you fight off the negative energy that is out there in this world. For instance, as soon as you start to pick yourself up, people you thought who cared about you start saying things to mess with your head. Is it that they are jealous and want to bring you back down to their level or is that they are testing you to see if you really have made a change?
As above, so below with the color blue
They say that the color of the blue ocean is a reflection of the blue sky. “As above, so below”. Since blue is my favorite color and we know that their are many shades of blue, that must mean that the color blue I see from my eye is really dependent upon my point of view. For instance, my point of view in this blog says that my blue eye sees the ocean of emotions which can be seen in the waves crashing as the tide is moving in and out. Furthermore, I have been taught that the moon controls the tides. Therefore that means the moon must also have an effect on our emotions. As a result to this theory, we tend to pay close attention to full moons.
Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Hard Look At Yourself In The Mirror
The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between
Wrapped All Into One-Outlined with Colors in Colors of my mind
The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between the height of the tree and me. Specifically, it is the distance and space of everything that flows between my head and the top of the tree that is placed behind me. As you can see, the tree is outlined with different shades of colors. Now, if you look close enough you can see the reflection of the moon on the tip top of the tree leaves that show a purplish blue color.
So the space between my head and the top of the tree must be my horizon. Specifically, my horizon represents the timeline of my inner beauty to show me who I am, where I have been and where I am headed. Furthermore, it shows me that my path for the future is unknown.
Challenged Daily By Our Interchanging Colors Of The Mind
Since we are to “expect the unexpected”, we are challenged daily. Furthermore, we are triggered by events to help to teach us lessons that will either help or hinder us. As a result of these lessons, we are to teach these lessons we have learned to others. In conclusion, it is important to give guidance to others who are looking for reassurance and to help them know that they are not alone in this world.
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.