The Act of Forgiveness Is Hard To Do

Well, I think the act of forgiveness is hard to do because it means having to deal with the pain and hurt that was caused by someone or something that was out of our control.

Controlling our own emotions

In this big world of ours, we cannot control another human being. We can’t control how they feel about us or what they think about us. The only thing we can control is ourselves and how we react to unpleasant situations. Our emotions have so many levels to them. I do feel at times that I am unable to control even my emotions. I mean sometimes we act based on our emotions and at other times we act based on logic.

pain and sadness
Who wants to or likes to deal with pain and sadness, not many

Balancing our heart and mind

Balancing the mind and the heart at the same time can be tricky. I can assure you that I have not mastered this technique. Sometimes, I am only thinking with my head. On the other hand, at times I am only thinking with my heart. When I use my mind I can control my emotions, but when it is my heart, forget it. I really have no control over my emotions when it comes to the heart. I just follow my feelings. Right or wrong.

Balancing heart and mind
When the heart and mind balance one another you feel at peace

Imperfections make us unique

You talk about forgiving you for your imperfections. Why? Your imperfections are a part of who you are. Furthermore, imperfections are what make you unique. Again, no one is perfect. So with that, I am trying to understand where all of this is coming from and why the sudden change of heart? I know it takes time for someone to accept their faults, but let’s understand that I also have flaws and faults. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly perfect in an imperfect way. It’s called being human.

Imperfectly Perfect

Understanding why forgiveness is important

Again, you continue to ask me to forgive you. I do not understand why? Forgiveness is just as much for you as it is for the other person asking for it. You need to forgive yourself for all the transgressions you have done. This is all part of life and learning and growing. Ya know, a mother doesn’t stop loving her son because he chose to do certain things different than the way she would have done them. In fact, the way I see it is that we need to embrace the opportunities that we were given and accept things just the way they happened. For if they had not happened the way they did, neither of us would have learned and grown from them. Remember a flower takes time to blossom.

A Swing Set made for Two but without forgiveness you end up swinging alone

If it makes you feel any better “I do forgive you”, the question is “Can you forgive me too”? Our biggest misconception is believing that we know everything when in fact we know that we know nothing (Socrates).

I Know that I Know Nothing

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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Colors of My Mind

Just Over My Head or My Horizon are the colors of my mind

colors of my mind
Colors of My Mind and My Space Between Energy and Light-My Horizon

What does it mean to relate colors of one’s mind to visions they see for the future? From my point of view, In colors of my mind I see that the spiritual realm is just over my head. At times I think it is the perception that what I am working towards is just over my horizon. The blue energy is just radiating over my head and to me it shows energy. First of all, my belief is that energy is powerful. However, I do not understand all the scientific and spiritual meanings and forms of energy, but I do believe in the power of energy. Similar to karma “what goes around comes around” and “law of attraction” meaning what you put out into the universe will come back to you. As a result of this belief, I try very hard to put good out into the world.

Get Inspired-I have read The Secret and have it in my nightstand-An insight into achieving what you want and need

Colors of my mind and being a Scorpio Sign

In addition, I am capable of diving deep into the shadows of the underworld. Being that I am a spiritual person and my birth sign is that of a Scorpio, I try to understand the traits of the zodiac sign. For instance, research states that a Scorpio sign represents the “death” card for endings and reincarnations. Furthermore, I don’t necessarily like to go into the shadow world, but I do know that if I can battle my own demons than I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. As in illustration, I will have to go deep into my own being/mind with time and meditation so that I can see clearly the right path to take.

Once I am able to learn how to take the power that is within myself, I will be able to shine my light (as a beacon) for myself and others. As a result of this belief, I will dive into the depths of my own soul. This can lead to deep understanding of one’s self along with faith and courage.


Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Colors of my mind
Behold My Blue Eye in Colors of My Mind

They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and what does that mean to me? Specifically, I must believe in myself and see the beauty in myself. No matter how much or how many times a person tells you how beautiful you are, it does not affect you until you actually believe it yourself. The courage to believe in yourself will help you fight off the negative energy that is out there in this world. For instance, as soon as you start to pick yourself up, people you thought who cared about you start saying things to mess with your head. Is it that they are jealous and want to bring you back down to their level or is that they are testing you to see if you really have made a change?

As above, so below with the color blue

They say that the color of the blue ocean is a reflection of the blue sky. “As above, so below”. Since blue is my favorite color and we know that their are many shades of blue, that must mean that the color blue I see from my eye is really dependent upon my point of view. For instance, my point of view in this blog says that my blue eye sees the ocean of emotions which can be seen in the waves crashing as the tide is moving in and out. Furthermore, I have been taught that the moon controls the tides. Therefore that means the moon must also have an effect on our emotions. As a result to this theory, we tend to pay close attention to full moons.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Hard Look At Yourself In The Mirror

Stonebriar Round Decorative Antique Gold 24″ Metal Starburst Hanging Mirror for Wall, Modern Boho Decor for the Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, and Entryway

The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between

Colors of my mind
Wrapped All Into One-Outlined with Colors in Colors of my mind

The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between the height of the tree and me. Specifically, it is the distance and space of everything that flows between my head and the top of the tree that is placed behind me. As you can see, the tree is outlined with different shades of colors. Now, if you look close enough you can see the reflection of the moon on the tip top of the tree leaves that show a purplish blue color.

So the space between my head and the top of the tree must be my horizon. Specifically, my horizon represents the timeline of my inner beauty to show me who I am, where I have been and where I am headed. Furthermore, it shows me that my path for the future is unknown.

The Tree Of Life Dream Catcher-Let’s Catch Those Good Dream
SIKEMAY The Tree of Life Dream Catcher – Handmade Exquisite Feather Beaded Large Dream Catchers for Kids/Cars/Bedroom – Indians Traditional Art Wall Hanging Home Decoration

Challenged Daily By Our Interchanging Colors Of The Mind

Since we are to “expect the unexpected”, we are challenged daily. Furthermore, we are triggered by events to help to teach us lessons that will either help or hinder us. As a result of these lessons, we are to teach these lessons we have learned to others. In conclusion, it is important to give guidance to others who are looking for reassurance and to help them know that they are not alone in this world.

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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.