Sticks and Stones May Break Bones

Yes, sir we all know the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. A child who has been bullied for the better half of her life knows that others will throw sticks, stones and kick her when she is down. What the bully doesn’t know or never understood was that broken bones heal.

Bullied as a kid

In my childhood years I was bullied as a kid. For instance, I would run, hide and cry. Til this day, I remember when a group of neighborhood kids taunted me everyday and would follow me home. A large group would stand right outside our front door and some would be screaming profanities outside my window. Every single day this would happen. As soon as I got off the bus to walk home. I would try to stand up for myself but I couldn’t. There were too many of them and only one of me. Yes, sometimes the cops were involved but that didn’t really do much but make the matter worse. I had no choice but to put up a wall and grow some thick skin.

Bully didn’t know he was a bully

Do you realize that disrespect is an understatement, you actually bullied another human being. I’m sure you never looked at it that way and I know this is going to hit you hard. You have never looked at yourself as a bully nor have you ever wanted to treat people in that manner. To think that someone you care about looks at you as a bully. I’m sorry, you know the truth hurts and I know you want the truth no matter how hurtful it is. Your lies only coated the pain. Your name calling only made you feel worse about yourself in the end. Those sticks, those stones they broke my bones but your name calling never hurt me.

Still I approach the bully with respect

I approached you with respect from the moment I introduced myself. I even approached you formally with your given name. “Good afternoon Mr. or Mrs. and so on”. I praised you and the accomplishments you had achieved. Still, you threw sticks and stones at me. You broke my bones to test me and see what I was made of. As I put together all the broken pieces to rebuild my backbone, understand that I have so much respect for you that it hurts me to hurt you. I know my strength and even now, I hold it together out of respect for you. Now I ask you, do you see the strength of someone who has been hit with sticks and stones?

Sticks and stones will build your thrones but love lives ever after.


If you enjoyed reading Sticks and Stones May Break Bones subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat

The Complicated Lovers-Scorched by the Sun

Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat and tamed by the golden belt buckle. She was a toddler then. Too young to remember but lived with the mark. Some would say she was too feisty as a child and wouldn’t listen. Others say her stubborn and independent ways would become useful as she got older. To live a life of pain and torture, she felt it was always best to give others a fighting chance. Never wanting another human being to ever feel her pain. She knew scars healed on the outside and were harder to heal on the inside.

Thru the years, many scars healed but one always remained. At times she would feel self-conscious. Not wanting others to know she lived with this scar, she would keep it covered at all times. As she developed into her teen years, she was able to cover it with her bra and bra strap.

Alone in her room reflecting

“Holy Shit” she said out loud. “I can’t believe I climaxed so many times in just one night!” I have had consistently great sex but last night takes the cake. Maybe I have short term memory but this feeling I have is completely untouchable. She remembered going to her room alone after the concert. So who was it that pleased her with so much pleasure? “I know I drank a little too much last night, but I don’t remember inviting anyone in for a night cap”. She was perplexed but she really didn’t care because she had a total body sensation that made her feel entirely relaxed. She had orgasmed so many times, all of the stress and tension must have been released.

While in the shower, she started laughing to herself. Just then she realized she had purchased a new vibrator for her anniversary night with her husband. She must have tried it out last night. “Wow, it worked wonders”, she said to herself.

Was it wrong to have so much pleasure?

As her hang over wore off, she started to realize that it wasn’t just the vibrator that made her feel so good. It was the fantasies she was having about the great looking guy she bumped into. “Oh my God” she said to herself. “This is wrong, this is very wrong. I am a married woman. What will my husband think? Today is our anniversary.” Her mind was completely confused. She really really enjoyed her fantasies beyond measure. She felt great physically, but mentally she was torn. “If anyone finds out I was having fantasies of another man other than my husband, I will go to hell.” Furthermore, it goes completely against the vows of matrimony. And how ironic, it was her 6th year wedding anniversary. She began to feel ashamed of herself.

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

Mason Cooley

Like a dog on a leash, her mind would only travel so far before returning back to reality. Not only did she sit their waiting for her husband to arrive but also would think about the mystery guy over and over again. “Why does he keep popping into my head. It’s not like I know him”. Is it possible to be attracted to someone without knowing anything about them?

If you enjoyed reading Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

What’s wrong with being a complicated beauty?

Sheri what is wrong with you? Why are you so complicated? Girl, you are so emotional. You need to just let that shit go. My answer for that is, why all of a sudden does it bother you and what’s wrong with being a complicated beauty?

Oh Honey, I know you wish you could have my looks, my style and my brains. LOL!! Yeah, well truth is, their is only one Sheri. I have my own look, my own style and my own brains. Furthermore, I have multiple personalities that keep you, your family and friends entertained. No wonder they keep coming back for more.

What does complicated mean?

At first when looking up the definition, I found that it involves complications. Duh, no really!! In other words, consisting of interconnecting parts. But Sheri, what does that mean? Clearly it means a circumstance that complicates something. Right! Well in short, it means difficulties. For instance, let’s say you are going about your day with routine activities and all of a sudden a global pandemic hits. As a result of this circumstance beyond your control, you are now faced with difficulties and your world becomes complicated. Was that a good example?

Or you are walking down the street minding your own business and bam, some great looking guy bumps into you and asks you out for coffee or some kind of drink. It doesn’t need to be an alcoholic beverage. Any drink, I don’t know, just pick a drink. Next thing you know, he’s asking you to marry him and you have only known him for like two weeks? This can be a very complicated situation here people. What if the girl is already currently married and living a double life? And he’s a friggen spy like James Bond in 007 where everything he touches turns to gold. He constantly makes millions of dollars. Possibly on the verge of becoming a billionaire. Did you ever think that having the Midas touch could scare a woman away?

The complicated lovers

No, I didn’t think so. But still, they seem to gravitate towards one another. She says “no, I can’t”. He says “but why not? Any woman would want this fabulously shining looking coin.” Again, she says “I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Then, he’s like “Fuck you bitch, your loss”. Needless to say, she cried about it. She was like, “doesn’t he understand that I have all of these external factors to work thru”. He’s like “I don’t give a rats ass what you have to work thru. You either want it or you don’t.” She was like, “Well Fuck you too then, I’m gonna go handle my business with or without you.” He thru his hands up in the air, shook his head and said “Fine, I didn’t want you anyway”. Why is everything so complicated?

What is the meaning of beauty?

Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities. Specifically, shape, form or color that entices the human sense of eyesight. For example, the dress I saw in the window would look good on me. Therefore, I will be seen as a beauty. Notice how I used the word “saw” and “look”. It focuses on what the eyes see in appearances. So if it looks good on the hanger, than it will look good on me…LOL!! Another way to understand beauty is with the word vision. This is defined as the ability to use your eyes to see and interpret the world around you.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Basically eyesight in this blog is focusing on the first impression of how something makes you feel when you first see it whereas vision is a deeper thought process. For example, Clark Kent vs Superman. Clark wears glasses and appears to be a clumsy ordinary man. Superman, has x-ray vision and can see into a person, like his or her soul. LOL!!

“But Grandmother! What big eyes you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “The better to see you with, my dear,” replied the wolf

What then is a complicated beauty?

A complicated beauty is the guacamole of circumstances and difficulties that are mixed with a combination of qualities. I said quality not quantity. I would say a complicated beauty is like a multitude of characteristics. Maybe I am a chameleon that camouflages myself or better yet, maybe I’m like a deer that is swift and compassionate. Personally, I like to think of myself as a complicated beauty. Indeed, that is only one of the many reasons why you like me. I know, I see you smiling. Based on my beauty blog definition, your teeth would be something we would see with our eyes. It’s not like I have x-ray vision into the mouth. The soul maybe. I’ll let you keep guessing on that one. But you already know.

Back to our complicated lovers

Now back to our complicated lovers. Yes, I said lovers. Because that is what they are. They can’t seem to be happy without one another and they can’t seem to be comfortable with each other. Where is the happy medium? They are completely beautifully complicated individuals who have complicated lives and yet they each have a special gift that no one else could ever understand but the two of them. Do they love each other? Why can’t they just walk away, let go and move on? Because, the string that keeps them connected won’t let them stray to far off their path. Some days she finds herself smiling with complete joy knowing that he’s pissing her off. At the same time, she’s frustrated because her animalistic side wants to devour him. Shall I continue with our complicated beauty series?

If you enjoyed reading What’s wrong with being a complicated beauty subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Adventures in finding your Niche

Adventures in finding your niche

Life is full of obstacles. It is up to us as individuals to navigate our way thru these obstacles.  Envision, Capture and Roam wild and free on your own personal journey. 

What is a Niche?

For this blog, adventures in finding your niche is basically a place or position where an individual stands out. We find our niche by looking at our own self-awareness. In this case, self-awareness can be defined as conscious knowledge of ones own character, feelings, motive and desires. Specifically, your niche should be comprised of three elements. The first essential trait are your skills. For instance, what are you an expert at or in simpler terms what can you do well? The second essential trait are your experiences. Such as, life lessons you have had to learn and grow from. The third essential trait is your knowledge. Especially practical understanding of a particular subject.

Adventures in finding your niche

Why is our backpack noteworthy?  Well this is not just an ordinary backpack.  This backpack represents the “Stone of Divine Creativity”.  Stand out from the crowd and show others how your own stone is going to shine in the future.  Take note of where you are today.  Your center stone (core/ruby) is where your journey begins. Most people start from a place of feeling trapped as depicted in our “Trapped Ruby” design.

Can someone please tell me what my niche is?

One way to start discovering your niche is to realize what you have for skills, knowledge and experience. I know that sounds easier said than done, but sometimes you can start a conversation with those closest to you to find out what they like and don’t like about you? Whereas, it is hard to tell yourself what you like about yourself. For instance, how many times have you seen or heard someone say “tell me 3 things you like about yourself” and the individual you asked will pause to think for a little bit. Exactly!! Due to that fact, I believe that people don’t know how good they are at something until another person points it out to them. Do you agree?

Adventures in finding your niche

Catch everything that matters in our Envision Dream Catch All Tote Bag. Make it your own Catch All Tote Bag and Capture your own personal treasures for the day.

Are you passionate about your niche?

Another avenue you can take in figuring out what your niche is would be to look into what your passion and interests are. For instance, passions are strong and barely controllable emotions. We naturally gravitate towards how we feel about a person, place or object. Specifically, it arouses our curiosity. On the other hand, if it doesn’t entice us, we won’t want it. It is safe to say that the feelings toward my niche come naturally. I don’t feel as if I have to force myself to do what I enjoy doing.

In conclusion, when chit chatting with other people who are trying to find their way in this world, they always seem to ask me the questions “What is my niche?” and “What am I good at”? Again, a lot of times we don’t realize what we are good at until someone else points it out to us.

If you enjoyed reading Adventures in finding your Niche subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Ice Breaker Questions and Answers

I thought it would be fun to do a little get to know me ice breaker questions and answers. I found some questions on the internet regarding vulnerability and thought why not try it. Obviously these questions will not give a complete overview of Sheri. However, they may help as a way to connect especially when you are meeting with someone new. I consider them as a way to break the ice.

Ice Breaker Questions and Answers

Dine and Dash at a Restaurant?

  1. Have you ever Dine and Dashed at a Restaurant? I would have to say, no I have not. I started working in a seafood restaurant when I was 12yrs old. When I was in high school, I would go to work at 6am bussing tables at a breakfast nook and by 3 pm I would walk across the street and work in the seafood restaurant until 11pm. Understanding the hustle and bustle of cooking and feeding people, I did not feel it ever necessary to dine somewhere and then dash without paying for the service.
Envision Dream Big & Beautiful Yoga Pants

Marching band or Debate Team?

2. Would you rather have been in the Marching band or the Debate team in school? It is safe to say that I was in the band and on the debate team. I played the flute in 7th & 8th grade as part of the band. I was on the debate team in Jr. High and was on the Mock Trail Team in 9th and 10th grade.

Envision Dream See Me See You Zip Up Hoodie

Want to know how you are going to die?

3.If you could find out how you were going to die, would you want to know? I do not want to know, however I already have a feeling that I know how I am going to die. When I was little, I would have this dream that was buried alive in a wooden box. As I got older it became clear to me that I will die of suffocation. I still think about it now with the asthma and just wanting oxygen.

Steal or Shoplifted?

4.What was the last thing you stole or shoplifted. I guess you could say the last thing I stole was someone’s heart. Other than that, I am not into stealing and have never shop lifted. I have a habit of getting caught.

Envision Dream Catch All Pride Tote Bag

Vacation in Mexico or Alaska?

5. Would you rather vacation in Mexico or Alaska, and Why? I would love to visit Alaska, but I would prefer to vacation in Mexico. Their is something about the style and the feeling I get when it comes to Mexico. For instance, I have only been to Tijuana. When I was 18, I moved out to Arizona. This was 3 days after graduation to live with my dad, step mom and little brother. While I was out there, my homegirl was in California for a convention. Basically, I decided to take a bus to meet her in San Diego.

While we were there, we decided to venture to Tijuana. The first time we went, we went to a bar, got drunk and I rode a mechanical bull. I believe I also danced to AC/DC’s “Shook me all night long” on the dance floor by myself. We did not drink the water, so the only thing we drank was alcohol. The second time we went there (the next day basically), we went with a few friends from the military. From what I remember of the night, we went to a nightclub. I also remember making out with one of the guys we went with and then later he told me he was married. Fun times and good memories.

Envision Dream Sip & Think Mug

Like or Dislike Surprises?

6. Do you like or dislike surprises? I like surprises but they make me cry. I would prefer to know about the surprise so I can be prepared for it. I think surprises give me anxiety. That’s probably because I don’t have any control over it.

Ride a bike, a horse or drive a car?

7. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse or drive a car? I would prefer to ride a bike. I have ridden a horse. I rode one at the Grand Canyon. My dad took me riding when he brought me to the Canyon for my very first visit. I can’t remember if I rode a horse when I was younger. The woman we lived with at one time in my life, worked at a stable and won a ton of ribbons for horse riding. I can’t remember if she took us riding or not. Her family owned a stable and that part of my life is a little blurred. Obviously I drive a car, but since I am prone to accidents, I prefer to ride a bike.

Envision Dream Bucket Hat

The tallest building you have been to the top in?

8. What’s the tallest building you have been to the top in? I would have to say the tallest building I have been in is the Empire State Building in New York City. I would visit New York City as a kid with my great aunts who lived there. They took us to the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty and Broadway plays. I did go on a girls trip a few years ago and I wanted to go back up to the top, but we didn’t make it since we were partying too much. My girlfriends did however, take a picture of me in front of the entrance. My girls are funny, they knew I really wanted to go up to the top but we didn’t have time. We made a compromise hence, the picture of me at the bottom entrance.

Hashtag Envision Dream and Trapped Ruby Style

Well, I hope you enjoyed a few of the ice breaker questions and answers I have provided for you. I might try to do some more in the near future. What do you think?

If you enjoyed reading Get to know me questions and answers subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Daily Struggles Can Either Hinder or Help Us

Ripped, Worn and Torn finding it hard to move forward

Some say daily struggles can either help or hinder us. The Value of “Life Happens” not to you but for you. Yes, I’m hit with obstacles every day and sometimes, minute by minute and hour by hour. This could be the reason why our daily struggles can leave us feeling ripped, worn and torn finding it hard to move forward. Some days I need to put a shield around me to protect myself. I’m not saying I’m in danger but from time to time I see everything that is happening around me. Losing loved ones tragically and peacefully. Struggling to pay bills and dealing with getting by pay check to pay check. Wondering if their is more to life than what is right in front of me. Knowing that I have the ability to do and create the life I want. Worried about my children and praying they are strong enough to handle what the world throws at them. Hoping that everyone will get along and not start knife fighting over who drank the last beer. Helping a friend who may have just gotten out of jail, or fighting the mental disease of bipolar and drugs. Understanding the reason why some may hustle in the late hours selling drugs to provide for their family because they can’t get out or off the system.

Handle Yourself with Care

The day to day struggle is no different for you or me. It’s how we are able to handle the storm that is ripping us apart and tearing us limb to limb knowing that we are already worn out when it hits.

Daily struggles can either help or hinder us
Ripped, worn and torn blue jeans is an example of how daily struggles can affect us on the inside. Taken in the Financial District of New York City September 2019

No, I’m not talking about clothes. Some could think I’m shopping for stressed out, white washed, cut off jeans. Not today. It’s not a bad idea and I could use some new clothes. School shopping is just around the corner. This year will be different though. All three of my children are working and I’m teaching them to put away their paycheck and get through the week with their tips. Little do they know they will be purchasing their own school clothes, shoes and supplies this year. I’m sure they will feel the daily struggles are both hindering and helping them at the same time. I’ve waited a long time for this. It’s important for me to teach them the basics of how to manage their hard worked income now that they are in the game of more month than cash. They will feel ripped, worn and torn by the end of the summer.

I Say Bring On The Storm So I Can Help Myself To Conquer These Daily Struggles

Daily struggles can either help or hinder us
We’ve Got Our Shields All Around Us. Use your Shield of Armor to fight your daily struggles

So what does it mean when I say that daily struggles can leave us feeling ripped, worn and torn finding it hard to move forward? Have you ever looked at your self standing firmly on the ground and looked up to see the tornado storm whipping around you mixed with debris? Yes, this is an exaggeration but think with me here. This storm can either hinder you or help you. How, you might ask? This storm will show you how much strength you have inside you to fight to stay alive, that will help you to see how strong you really are.

Perseverance is Key

If you can fight with all your might against all the bull crap that storm is throwing at you, then you can do anything you put your mind and heart to. Nothing is stopping you from doing what you want to do except you. You have a force shield around you, looking like a human standing in the middle of a bubble. You know that debris (bull crap) will not hit you or damage you. In fact, you know that any debris (bull crap) that flies towards you, it will be bounced off that force shield. You also know that your feet are safe and firmly on the ground. You need to tell yourself, I am not ripped, worn and torn, I am stronger than any storm.

People only do what you allow them to do

On the other hand, you can let and allow all the gossip, drama and bull crap get to you and bring you down. That is what it means when they say it can hinder you. Basically it stops you from succeeding and doing what you know you can do. It gives you doubt. Do you believe that “no weapon formed against me shall prosper”? A storm in this case is the weapon and you will have courage and strength within yourself to not let it break you. Stand tall in who you are. Remember the storm will pass but you my friend will still be standing strong.

Can You Find Support From Daily Struggles In Odd Places?

Daily struggles can either help or hinder us
While one may be struggling to survive the daily turmoil, others are putting their own lives on the line to help the struggling party. Team Rescue at Narragansett Beach during Hurricane Earl 2010

No matter how ripped, worn and torn we feel, we are stronger than any force field. Everyday we strive for happiness. Everyday another loved one or friend is hurting with sadness. Why do they say death happens in threes. I have not researched that yet but I’m sure it has something to do with our seeds. Togetherness and unity is what keeps us strong. Why then I must ask you do you feel ripped, worn and torn? “It’s not why is this happening to me, but what is this teaching me?” If “like attracts like” then as we grow we bond with those who wish to work together and are striving for the same thing. Support is all around you. It may not be within your immediate family and that is OK.

Being Grateful for what and who you have in your life

Support comes in all shapes, colors and sizes. You never know who will be there for you and who will risk their own lives to help save you. Be grateful that you were born for a reason and you have a purpose. No two lights shine the same. But all in all we are all living in the same game. Generation to generation and we see that the times have all changed. Ripped, worn and torn I am here to master my own game. Yet, still some believe that daily struggles can leave us feeling ripped, worn and torn finding it hard to move forward.

Do you agree that our daily struggles can either hinder or help us? Are you feeling ripped, worn and torn about everything?

Click the link below for a pair of ripped, worn and torn jeans of your own.
Women’s Ripped Boyfriend Jeans Stylish Pants Slim Fit Casual Ripped Holes Stretch Trendy Jeans Dark Wash Size 6

Stay Connected

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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.

Why is Music and Memories Important to Me?

Why I Love Creating Memories

What am I capturing?

I have always believed in capturing the moments and making them into memories. Not only do I enjoy doing it, but it allows my mind to be creative. I also look at my life through the eyes of my casket. Please don’t be shocked by that, it helps me to put things into perspective and we never know when our time will be up. Since I have lost friends and family members at an early age, I tend to think about these things. Don’t we say “Life is Short“, Right? What will my children remember about me and what memories would they have to remember me by? What gifts and lessons can I leave them so that when I am not here they will be able to see what I have taught them and can utilize the tool and wisdom I have left for them.

How do I keep my memories? I enjoy taking pictures, scrap booking, making photo collages, videos, etc. I’m sure their are more ways to create memories, I am naming the ones I do and as I learn more, my creativity will evolve too.

Why Do I Enjoy Dancing to Music?

Family Roots and Traditions

Great question and aside from loving all kinds of music, I was always taught to “dance as if know one is watching“. I created a lot of memories with my children, friends and family throughout the years just by listening to music and dancing. Dancing to Music is another way to tell a story and express yourself. Dancing is healthy for you too! It helps you to move your body, sweat, exercise, connect with people and just have fun. These are some of the places I tend to dance with music:

  • Dancing in the living room
  • Dancing by the car
  • Dancing in the car
  • Dancing at the bar
  • Dancing in the club
  • Dancing at a concert
  • Dancing at a wedding
  • Dancing in a seat
  • Dancing at the campsite
  • Dancing down the street
  • Dancing on the beach
  • Dancing alone
  • Dancing with someone else
  • Dancing in a group

Why Add Music To My Memories?

Keeping the Memories Alive

I have learned that music helps you to remember and tells a story. If I associate music with my memories than I will be able to remember the beauty I have created with my life. Since my grandmother had Alzheimer’s and I work with people who have a memory impairment, I try to focus on keeping my brain stimulated. If music helps us to recall events in our lives, than I prefer to keep my memories alive. Thank you for learning about my timeline. They also say your timeline is the dash placed between your date of birth and your date of death. 1976-(unknown).

I Say Music Is My Soul

Because it is the book of my own life and my own memory! What’s your story or timeline? Do you believe music and memories go hand in hand?

Colors of My Mind

Just Over My Head or My Horizon are the colors of my mind

colors of my mind
Colors of My Mind and My Space Between Energy and Light-My Horizon

What does it mean to relate colors of one’s mind to visions they see for the future? From my point of view, In colors of my mind I see that the spiritual realm is just over my head. At times I think it is the perception that what I am working towards is just over my horizon. The blue energy is just radiating over my head and to me it shows energy. First of all, my belief is that energy is powerful. However, I do not understand all the scientific and spiritual meanings and forms of energy, but I do believe in the power of energy. Similar to karma “what goes around comes around” and “law of attraction” meaning what you put out into the universe will come back to you. As a result of this belief, I try very hard to put good out into the world.

Get Inspired-I have read The Secret and have it in my nightstand-An insight into achieving what you want and need

Colors of my mind and being a Scorpio Sign

In addition, I am capable of diving deep into the shadows of the underworld. Being that I am a spiritual person and my birth sign is that of a Scorpio, I try to understand the traits of the zodiac sign. For instance, research states that a Scorpio sign represents the “death” card for endings and reincarnations. Furthermore, I don’t necessarily like to go into the shadow world, but I do know that if I can battle my own demons than I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. As in illustration, I will have to go deep into my own being/mind with time and meditation so that I can see clearly the right path to take.

Once I am able to learn how to take the power that is within myself, I will be able to shine my light (as a beacon) for myself and others. As a result of this belief, I will dive into the depths of my own soul. This can lead to deep understanding of one’s self along with faith and courage.


Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Colors of my mind
Behold My Blue Eye in Colors of My Mind

They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and what does that mean to me? Specifically, I must believe in myself and see the beauty in myself. No matter how much or how many times a person tells you how beautiful you are, it does not affect you until you actually believe it yourself. The courage to believe in yourself will help you fight off the negative energy that is out there in this world. For instance, as soon as you start to pick yourself up, people you thought who cared about you start saying things to mess with your head. Is it that they are jealous and want to bring you back down to their level or is that they are testing you to see if you really have made a change?

As above, so below with the color blue

They say that the color of the blue ocean is a reflection of the blue sky. “As above, so below”. Since blue is my favorite color and we know that their are many shades of blue, that must mean that the color blue I see from my eye is really dependent upon my point of view. For instance, my point of view in this blog says that my blue eye sees the ocean of emotions which can be seen in the waves crashing as the tide is moving in and out. Furthermore, I have been taught that the moon controls the tides. Therefore that means the moon must also have an effect on our emotions. As a result to this theory, we tend to pay close attention to full moons.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Hard Look At Yourself In The Mirror

Stonebriar Round Decorative Antique Gold 24″ Metal Starburst Hanging Mirror for Wall, Modern Boho Decor for the Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, and Entryway

The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between

Colors of my mind
Wrapped All Into One-Outlined with Colors in Colors of my mind

The colors of my mind and my horizon representing the ever interchanging colors in between the height of the tree and me. Specifically, it is the distance and space of everything that flows between my head and the top of the tree that is placed behind me. As you can see, the tree is outlined with different shades of colors. Now, if you look close enough you can see the reflection of the moon on the tip top of the tree leaves that show a purplish blue color.

So the space between my head and the top of the tree must be my horizon. Specifically, my horizon represents the timeline of my inner beauty to show me who I am, where I have been and where I am headed. Furthermore, it shows me that my path for the future is unknown.

The Tree Of Life Dream Catcher-Let’s Catch Those Good Dream
SIKEMAY The Tree of Life Dream Catcher – Handmade Exquisite Feather Beaded Large Dream Catchers for Kids/Cars/Bedroom – Indians Traditional Art Wall Hanging Home Decoration

Challenged Daily By Our Interchanging Colors Of The Mind

Since we are to “expect the unexpected”, we are challenged daily. Furthermore, we are triggered by events to help to teach us lessons that will either help or hinder us. As a result of these lessons, we are to teach these lessons we have learned to others. In conclusion, it is important to give guidance to others who are looking for reassurance and to help them know that they are not alone in this world.

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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.

Who’s Your Baby Daddy?

Our First Child-Surprise I have A Girl

Our Little Princess

Our first born child together was a 6 lb 2 oz little baby girl. The first child I carried for nine months and the first child I gave birth to. The first time I became a mother. I remember the joys of learning that I was pregnant and no job and no where to live to raise a child. Sure we would bunk at our friends and families houses to have a roof over our heads and food to eat. The panic set in to find a home to raise our little princess in. Sick as a dog, throwing up morning, noon and night with morning sickness right up until the day I gave birth. These were the good old days, I tell ya. We were both young right out of high school and thought we knew it all. I ended up losing 25 lbs from being pregnant. Who would have thought you could lose weight while a human was growing in your body? Apparently the doctor’s would say, “that baby is taking all the food you consume”. I don’t know how, because every time I ate, I would be in the bathroom sick again. It did turn out that I needed to have gallbladder surgery a couple of weeks after giving birth to my first child (at the time Jim Carey was filming across the street from where we were staying for Me, Myself and Irene . No, I did not meet him, I was in the hospital but my little girl got to see him.

Needless to say, my pregnancy was definitely a challenge: Health Wise, Parent Wise and Financially Wise. My baby daddy already had a 3 year old at the time our little princess was born. In fact her older brother is one of her best friends. Her brother moved in with us at the age of 3, so when I became a first time mom to my little girl, I also became a mom to a little boy and was now raising two children. Thank the Lord for family and friends because they really helped to guide me thru all of this. I cherish my baby girl because she is the key to getting her parents motivated to provide for her and her siblings. A few months after she was born, I began to work again and we were able to get our first apartment.

Our Second Child-Surprise Daddy’s Twin

Like Father Like Son

After a year of having a beautiful tiny little girl and a step son, I realized one day, that I was really tired and yelling at my mother outside of her house. In fact, she stopped dead in her tracks and said “Sher, are you pregnant?” I said, “NO, I am on the patch birth control”. She said, “Are you sure?”, I said “Mom, yes I am sure”!! I should have realized that mother knows best. I went and got a pregnancy test and the results “YES, YOU ARE PREGNANT“. But how can I be pregnant, I’m on birth control. Well apparently to my surprise, if you are on an antibiotic for bronchitis, the birth control will not work said the doctor. So here I am, 5 months pregnant and I just found out that in 4 months I will be having another baby. Good news with my baby boy, I did not get sick and was able to work thru this pregnancy. The challenge was on to get everything ready for my 4/20 child who had me in labor for four hours and 20 minutes. Labor with this child was excruciating. I actually took the dam needle in the back and needed oxygen. My baby daddy decided to go to wok in Boston that morning while I went to the hospital. He did make it in time to catch the boy as he came out. I’ll give him that.

So here we are two young adults, a little baby girl, a little boy and a newborn son. We are on a roll, we have now moved from an apartment to a complete house. We will talk about the house fire in another blog. But it was a great motivator to get out of a duplex and into our own home. Our daughter got her own room and the boys, well they had to share a room. I cherish my baby boy because he turned me into a raging lunatic mom on the side lines cheering for her son for everyone to see. He would get so embarrassed by it too! That’s what moms do, we become your biggest fans.

Our Third Child-Surprise Its A Mini Me

Jake the Snake

Here we go again, didn’t I learn the first two times. I already have a 7 year old, a 5 year old and a 3 year old. What’s one more? I said to myself, you made it this far. You can keep going. This guy was a little bitty preemie. I thought his sister was tiny, but he was even smaller. Well after this one, I told the doctor, I was done. I am not going through this anymore and since my health was so effected by my pregnancies, my tubes were tied. This was it, I could not have anymore children naturally. It was determined that I was alergic to being pregnant. You like that one, huh? LoL. Snake is my baby. I’m sure the others think he is spoiled, but we spoil them all. This one has challenges of being a small guy, but a big heart. He gives his all when he does something. This one pushes me even harder by teaching me to let go of things I can’t control.

One Baby Daddy = Five Boys and One Girl

Baby Daddy and his tribe

Although we as a couple did not make it, we were able to stay a family for our children. My baby daddy found a new love and added two more children to his family. My children have 1 step brother and 2 half brothers from their dad, but reality is they are all siblings regardless of the bloodline. We have been able to share holidays, birthdays, proms, graduations and our kids extra curricular activities together. This is not easy to do, nor has it ever been easy to do, but we manage. As you can see their dad is in the military and serves overseas from time to time. It takes a Village to raise a child and I have a bunch to watch over. This is only a brief introduction to one side of the family.

That’s My Baby Daddy

My First Loves

My reason for working so hard came from these four seeds. All of my accomplishments go to them. My sacrifices, my true loves, my babies. The air that I breathe, the sweat, the tears, the laughter, the fun, the good, the bad, the growth, the memories. I wouldn’t change anything I went through with my pregnancies or my baby daddy. Being a parent is hard work but also a blessing.

Oh My Word I Have a Pitbull!!

Why Yes, I Like Dogs

Me and My Prince

I love when someone asks me if I like pets and then they ask me if I like dogs. I answer “yes I like pets and I have grown up having a dog or two”. In fact when I was little, I remember we had 14 dogs at one time. I really don’t know how my mom managed. Our German Shepard at the time had 12 puppies. Our family dog and my first dog, “Princess”. She was so protective. We believed she was part wolf. Since “Princess'” passing we have had Semi, Kimo, Teddy, Sage, Eli and Kaiser. Semi and Kimo (American Stafford-shire Terriers) were my sisters’ dogs and when I lived with her they were like family. Semi would let you enter the house, but you could never leave. Kimo was very protective but also liked to fight other dogs. Kimo was a beast. My husband ended up taking Kimo since it was clear two male dogs in the house was not working. Kimo eventually met his fate with the local police. Was it because of the breed? Or was it because of the Racial Profiling on my husband at the time? Was it that Kimo met the human dog catcher and a bunch of guns pointing at him to be seen as a vicious dog? It was a little devastating to go thru. My husband was kinda use to it, but I was beside myself. It was all over the newspapers and news media. The media was making him out to look like the worst kind of animal they have ever seen. My statement was “if I didn’t know you and you were putting my life in danger, I would look and act vicious towards you too”. Kimo never bit or attacked a human.I believe the term they used was “he could have or he looked like he could”. He always made his territory known in an animal fashion. Teddy (Cocker Spaniel Terrier) lived with my mom and was very protective to the point that you had to cover your ankles at the door. Sage (American Stafford-Shire) had epilepsy and the disease got the best of him.We were never sure if it was from the lime shot that the vet had us give him. I did not like seeing my dog seizure all the time. Funny thing is, our dog didn’t start to seizure until he got the lime shot. It was heartbreaking. Eli and Kaiser (American Stafford-Shires) were my husbands’ dogs prior to us moving in-together. Kaiser was probably the most intelligent dog I have come across out of the ones I have lived with. Eli is still living and now a companion for a senior that needed him at the time.

Currently we have “Prince” our 5 year old baby who is also an American Stafford-Shire Terrier. However, his bloodline is that of a “Chinaman Pit”.

Prince at 8 weeks old

Why A Chinaman Pit?

Why not a Chinaman Pit? I like pitbulls and when my step daughter called me to tell me her boyfriend’s dog had puppies, we decided it was time to get our family puppy. We had just purchased our own home and I had just graduated from college. We have plenty of time to raise a dog. That’s a good one, isn’t it? We brought all of the kids. We wanted this to be a group effort and we wanted to make sure it was the right dog for the right family. It was a toss up between the white and black one and then our “little Prince”. We also watched the demeanor of the mother who actually allowed the children to get close to her and her newborn pups.

From my knowledge Chinaman Pitbulls were created for their game and I was told that they are shorter and smaller in size compared to a regular pitbull. Reasons someone might like a Chinaman Pitbull are:

  • They have a lean appearance-well developed muscles
  • They have a prey drive
  • They are intelligent
  • They have style
  • They have great personalities
  • They are loving
  • They are affectionate
  • They are loyal
  • They are great companions

On the flip side, Pitbulls don’t have the best reputation around. Hey, then they must be a perfect fit for me and my family. They are known to have a strong bite. I always heard the term lock-jaw, but I’m not sure if that is really the terminology for it. I have seen pitbulls fight and in action (not intentionally either). I really don’t like it at all but I hear it is common for two males to fight when they come near each other. I also believe that can happen with any dog and any breed.

How Do I Train My Pitbull?

Dog Training at the Nursing Home started early

That’s a great question, but for me, I would train any and all of my dogs the same way. That’s just my preference and I also try to take special precautions with having a pitbull. I still have to feed my dog. I still have to get my dog a license, I still have to make sure he is upto date on his shots and physical examinations. I socialize my dog with other dogs, people and kids. Nothing is certain with owning a pet but I would prefer to do my part as a pet owner. I do have a friend who trains dogs locally and I have thought about using her services but haven’t gotten there yet. Our “Prince” goes for car rides, camping at Pow Wow, family cookouts and sometimes goes to work with my husband. The vet loves him and says he is so muscular. Prince enjoys watching the kids play as well as playing with the kids. He currently is learning how to get along with the household cat. They are doing pretty well and surprise me some days.

Prince Full Grown

Have you ever taken a pitbull for a walk and as you are walking people will cross the street prior to passing you? It does happen often, but I enjoy the freed up walking space, wouldn’t you?

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.