Distractions Holding You Back

Distractions holding you back
Distractions are everywhere and can smother your mind at times.

Are distractions holding you back from going after your goals? A distraction is a process that will block or prohibit an individual from remaining focused on a desired outcome or goal. This definitely happens to the best of us. We have individual dreams and goals and most of the time we get stuck or blocked from being able to accomplish these dreams. I sometimes question myself and ask why?

Have you thought about some distractions that have been or could be blocking your Desired Goals?

  • Television
  • Cell phones
  • Other People’s Opinions
  • Your Family
  • Bills/Money
  • Chores/Responsibilities
  • Social Activities
  • Work/Career

What are some ways to handle distractions that are holding you back?

  • Take a break
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Watch the sun rise and or set
  • Listen to music
  • Take a hike in the woods
  • Try something new
  • Read a book

Take A Break from Distractions that might be holding you back

Distractions holding you back
Relaxing from distractions in a hotel room on the Waterfront in downtown Baltimore, MD.

When I say take a break from distractions that might be holding you back, I am saying that sometimes we need to step out of the confusion in order to ground or regroup ourselves. For example, I like to take mini vacations to regroup. Specifically, I will go stay in a hotel for a night or two completely by myself. Some may call it solitude. To me, I get the rest I need. I am able to think about me as an individual and it allows me to figure out what I need to do in order to continue going after my goals. In addition to the rest, I am able to gain the energy that is needed to stay focused with the constant waves of everyday life challenges.

How can meditation help you from getting distracted?

Distractions holding you back
Yoga Muriel at RI Yoga Center in Kingston, RI when I took my first Hot Power Yoga Class to help with my breathing and meditation techniques

Meditation is a technique used to help us as individuals to focus on mental clarity and awareness. If our minds are filled with other people’s opinions than maybe that means we are focused on other’s goals and not necessarily our own goals. However, I do feel that it is always good to listen to other people’s opinions but being able to decipher what will help guide you and what will hinder you are two different things. It has taken me a long time to learn from trials and errors thru life experiences that have gotten me to a place where I will listen to what other’s have to say, but in reality I will try my best to remain focused on me, the individual.

Dream Catcher Yoga Mat with Towel Combo. Great for Hot Power Yoga

Is exercise a good way to handle distractions that may hold you back?

Exercise in itself is a must for a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. For instance, not only does exercise help with oxygen and blood flow through our veins and muscles to keep our blood pumping, it also helps to release negative toxins that may be trapped in our minds and bodies. For example, running can build your inner core strength, as well as, get rid of stomach fat and release endorphins that make you a happy person.

distractions holding you back
elevate barre and cycle studio has been a life savor for allowing me to exercise at my own pace. Personal Trainer, owner and my sister Sara Loretta has encouraged me to follow my dreams and become healthy at the same time. We both enjoy a variety of music which makes it fun.

I am not an expert on exercise and yes I need to get into a routine of finding an exercise that I enjoy doing. However, I do believe in the benefits for exercising. So the question you might have for me that I have for myself, is what is holding Sheri back from doing exercise if she knows she needs to and it will benefit her? I too am working on my own distractions. Handling one distraction at a time.

I’m a sucker for big old fashioned head phones. My favorite part is that they are Noise Canceling. Even better when you wear them, everyone still thinks you are listening to them and really you are drowning them out. My little secret. Beats Studio3

Listening to Music to distract my mind from distractions

First and foremost, music is one of the biggest forms of salvation for me. No matter what I am feeling or doing, music has an effect on me. Second, music is a very powerful tool that I use in many forms. For instance, I listen to music when I am happy, mad and sad. However, I enjoy all kinds of music. Third, I like to feel the music move through my body and feed into my soul. It can capture the pure essence of my being. Fourth, I enjoy listening to music to help me meditate. Specifically, it gets me in a zone to release anger or sadness that has been suppressed deep down inside. Fifth, music can be used as a form of expression. For example, when I try to sing like the artist or if I am dancing to the beat.

Distractions holding you back
Singing and acting a fool to release my stress is one way I clear my mind from distractions. When the right beat hits my soul, forget about it. I don’t care who is around, I get lost in my own world. You know the saying “Dance as if no one is Watching”. I live that to my greatest potential.

Moreover, I drive with music, clean with music, exercise with music, sleep with music, socialize with music and I am sure you are getting the idea of the benefits of music with me. How does music have an affect on your own life and well being?

What about trying something new to help with distractions

Trying something new can also be a distraction, however for this blog we are looking at the benefits of trying something new to help with handling our distractions. For instance, if we never try something we have never done before, than how are we going to expand our minds that will help us reach our dreams and goals? For example, if you are open to learning a new culture or craft, you are now stimulating your brain cells.

Distractions holding you back
Wine and Paint Night. My mom, big sis and my only daughter had a great night out, spending time together and trying something new.

Specifically, let’s look at paint and wine nights, that is one of the new craves going around. I could be behind on craves, but you get the idea. People are gathering together with old friends and meeting new friends while they are in a class learning how to paint a picture. As a result of an event like this, most people who finish this class are usually leaving with a smile on their faces. Specifically, they are feeling good about what they were able to learn on their own, amazed that they had the ability to create something of their own and they connected with someone new. I am sure the wine helped them to relax and open up a little bit. Hopefully you get the point.

In Conclusion Have You Thought About The Distractions in Your Own Life?

I know that we sometimes don’t want to look at reality and what is holding us back from truly going after our own dreams and goals. I do this all the time. Its called denial and we will distract ourselves and continue to distract ourselves until we are forced to look at the situation.

Distractions holding you back
This picture is dark and gloomy, but isn’t that what a distraction can look like to someone who is confused? No soul, no direction, no reason for motivation.

What happens when we are in denial of many different situations? That’s a great question and it is a hard one to learn. I personally am working on figuring out what my own dreams and goals are. Specifically, taking the time in solitude to really focus on what I want for my life. In addition to this time for solitude, I continue to focus on handling my personal situations head on since they will not resolve themselves on their own. As a result to this understanding, I have learned that I am sensitive to some distractions and completely cold to other distractions.

Read a book about: The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and Destroying Your Soul 

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Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Why is Music and Memories Important to Me?

Why I Love Creating Memories

What am I capturing?

I have always believed in capturing the moments and making them into memories. Not only do I enjoy doing it, but it allows my mind to be creative. I also look at my life through the eyes of my casket. Please don’t be shocked by that, it helps me to put things into perspective and we never know when our time will be up. Since I have lost friends and family members at an early age, I tend to think about these things. Don’t we say “Life is Short“, Right? What will my children remember about me and what memories would they have to remember me by? What gifts and lessons can I leave them so that when I am not here they will be able to see what I have taught them and can utilize the tool and wisdom I have left for them.

How do I keep my memories? I enjoy taking pictures, scrap booking, making photo collages, videos, etc. I’m sure their are more ways to create memories, I am naming the ones I do and as I learn more, my creativity will evolve too.

Why Do I Enjoy Dancing to Music?

Family Roots and Traditions

Great question and aside from loving all kinds of music, I was always taught to “dance as if know one is watching“. I created a lot of memories with my children, friends and family throughout the years just by listening to music and dancing. Dancing to Music is another way to tell a story and express yourself. Dancing is healthy for you too! It helps you to move your body, sweat, exercise, connect with people and just have fun. These are some of the places I tend to dance with music:

  • Dancing in the living room
  • Dancing by the car
  • Dancing in the car
  • Dancing at the bar
  • Dancing in the club
  • Dancing at a concert
  • Dancing at a wedding
  • Dancing in a seat
  • Dancing at the campsite
  • Dancing down the street
  • Dancing on the beach
  • Dancing alone
  • Dancing with someone else
  • Dancing in a group

Why Add Music To My Memories?

Keeping the Memories Alive

I have learned that music helps you to remember and tells a story. If I associate music with my memories than I will be able to remember the beauty I have created with my life. Since my grandmother had Alzheimer’s and I work with people who have a memory impairment, I try to focus on keeping my brain stimulated. If music helps us to recall events in our lives, than I prefer to keep my memories alive. Thank you for learning about my timeline. They also say your timeline is the dash placed between your date of birth and your date of death. 1976-(unknown).

I Say Music Is My Soul

Because it is the book of my own life and my own memory! What’s your story or timeline? Do you believe music and memories go hand in hand?