Sticks and Stones May Break Bones

Yes, sir we all know the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. A child who has been bullied for the better half of her life knows that others will throw sticks, stones and kick her when she is down. What the bully doesn’t know or never understood was that broken bones heal.

Bullied as a kid

In my childhood years I was bullied as a kid. For instance, I would run, hide and cry. Til this day, I remember when a group of neighborhood kids taunted me everyday and would follow me home. A large group would stand right outside our front door and some would be screaming profanities outside my window. Every single day this would happen. As soon as I got off the bus to walk home. I would try to stand up for myself but I couldn’t. There were too many of them and only one of me. Yes, sometimes the cops were involved but that didn’t really do much but make the matter worse. I had no choice but to put up a wall and grow some thick skin.

Bully didn’t know he was a bully

Do you realize that disrespect is an understatement, you actually bullied another human being. I’m sure you never looked at it that way and I know this is going to hit you hard. You have never looked at yourself as a bully nor have you ever wanted to treat people in that manner. To think that someone you care about looks at you as a bully. I’m sorry, you know the truth hurts and I know you want the truth no matter how hurtful it is. Your lies only coated the pain. Your name calling only made you feel worse about yourself in the end. Those sticks, those stones they broke my bones but your name calling never hurt me.

Still I approach the bully with respect

I approached you with respect from the moment I introduced myself. I even approached you formally with your given name. “Good afternoon Mr. or Mrs. and so on”. I praised you and the accomplishments you had achieved. Still, you threw sticks and stones at me. You broke my bones to test me and see what I was made of. As I put together all the broken pieces to rebuild my backbone, understand that I have so much respect for you that it hurts me to hurt you. I know my strength and even now, I hold it together out of respect for you. Now I ask you, do you see the strength of someone who has been hit with sticks and stones?

Sticks and stones will build your thrones but love lives ever after.


If you enjoyed reading Sticks and Stones May Break Bones subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat

The Complicated Lovers-Scorched by the Sun

Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat and tamed by the golden belt buckle. She was a toddler then. Too young to remember but lived with the mark. Some would say she was too feisty as a child and wouldn’t listen. Others say her stubborn and independent ways would become useful as she got older. To live a life of pain and torture, she felt it was always best to give others a fighting chance. Never wanting another human being to ever feel her pain. She knew scars healed on the outside and were harder to heal on the inside.

Thru the years, many scars healed but one always remained. At times she would feel self-conscious. Not wanting others to know she lived with this scar, she would keep it covered at all times. As she developed into her teen years, she was able to cover it with her bra and bra strap.

Alone in her room reflecting

“Holy Shit” she said out loud. “I can’t believe I climaxed so many times in just one night!” I have had consistently great sex but last night takes the cake. Maybe I have short term memory but this feeling I have is completely untouchable. She remembered going to her room alone after the concert. So who was it that pleased her with so much pleasure? “I know I drank a little too much last night, but I don’t remember inviting anyone in for a night cap”. She was perplexed but she really didn’t care because she had a total body sensation that made her feel entirely relaxed. She had orgasmed so many times, all of the stress and tension must have been released.

While in the shower, she started laughing to herself. Just then she realized she had purchased a new vibrator for her anniversary night with her husband. She must have tried it out last night. “Wow, it worked wonders”, she said to herself.

Was it wrong to have so much pleasure?

As her hang over wore off, she started to realize that it wasn’t just the vibrator that made her feel so good. It was the fantasies she was having about the great looking guy she bumped into. “Oh my God” she said to herself. “This is wrong, this is very wrong. I am a married woman. What will my husband think? Today is our anniversary.” Her mind was completely confused. She really really enjoyed her fantasies beyond measure. She felt great physically, but mentally she was torn. “If anyone finds out I was having fantasies of another man other than my husband, I will go to hell.” Furthermore, it goes completely against the vows of matrimony. And how ironic, it was her 6th year wedding anniversary. She began to feel ashamed of herself.

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

Mason Cooley

Like a dog on a leash, her mind would only travel so far before returning back to reality. Not only did she sit their waiting for her husband to arrive but also would think about the mystery guy over and over again. “Why does he keep popping into my head. It’s not like I know him”. Is it possible to be attracted to someone without knowing anything about them?

If you enjoyed reading Captivated with the scars of the sun’s heat subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

What’s wrong with being a complicated beauty?

Sheri what is wrong with you? Why are you so complicated? Girl, you are so emotional. You need to just let that shit go. My answer for that is, why all of a sudden does it bother you and what’s wrong with being a complicated beauty?

Oh Honey, I know you wish you could have my looks, my style and my brains. LOL!! Yeah, well truth is, their is only one Sheri. I have my own look, my own style and my own brains. Furthermore, I have multiple personalities that keep you, your family and friends entertained. No wonder they keep coming back for more.

What does complicated mean?

At first when looking up the definition, I found that it involves complications. Duh, no really!! In other words, consisting of interconnecting parts. But Sheri, what does that mean? Clearly it means a circumstance that complicates something. Right! Well in short, it means difficulties. For instance, let’s say you are going about your day with routine activities and all of a sudden a global pandemic hits. As a result of this circumstance beyond your control, you are now faced with difficulties and your world becomes complicated. Was that a good example?

Or you are walking down the street minding your own business and bam, some great looking guy bumps into you and asks you out for coffee or some kind of drink. It doesn’t need to be an alcoholic beverage. Any drink, I don’t know, just pick a drink. Next thing you know, he’s asking you to marry him and you have only known him for like two weeks? This can be a very complicated situation here people. What if the girl is already currently married and living a double life? And he’s a friggen spy like James Bond in 007 where everything he touches turns to gold. He constantly makes millions of dollars. Possibly on the verge of becoming a billionaire. Did you ever think that having the Midas touch could scare a woman away?

The complicated lovers

No, I didn’t think so. But still, they seem to gravitate towards one another. She says “no, I can’t”. He says “but why not? Any woman would want this fabulously shining looking coin.” Again, she says “I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Then, he’s like “Fuck you bitch, your loss”. Needless to say, she cried about it. She was like, “doesn’t he understand that I have all of these external factors to work thru”. He’s like “I don’t give a rats ass what you have to work thru. You either want it or you don’t.” She was like, “Well Fuck you too then, I’m gonna go handle my business with or without you.” He thru his hands up in the air, shook his head and said “Fine, I didn’t want you anyway”. Why is everything so complicated?

What is the meaning of beauty?

Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities. Specifically, shape, form or color that entices the human sense of eyesight. For example, the dress I saw in the window would look good on me. Therefore, I will be seen as a beauty. Notice how I used the word “saw” and “look”. It focuses on what the eyes see in appearances. So if it looks good on the hanger, than it will look good on me…LOL!! Another way to understand beauty is with the word vision. This is defined as the ability to use your eyes to see and interpret the world around you.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Basically eyesight in this blog is focusing on the first impression of how something makes you feel when you first see it whereas vision is a deeper thought process. For example, Clark Kent vs Superman. Clark wears glasses and appears to be a clumsy ordinary man. Superman, has x-ray vision and can see into a person, like his or her soul. LOL!!

“But Grandmother! What big eyes you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “The better to see you with, my dear,” replied the wolf

What then is a complicated beauty?

A complicated beauty is the guacamole of circumstances and difficulties that are mixed with a combination of qualities. I said quality not quantity. I would say a complicated beauty is like a multitude of characteristics. Maybe I am a chameleon that camouflages myself or better yet, maybe I’m like a deer that is swift and compassionate. Personally, I like to think of myself as a complicated beauty. Indeed, that is only one of the many reasons why you like me. I know, I see you smiling. Based on my beauty blog definition, your teeth would be something we would see with our eyes. It’s not like I have x-ray vision into the mouth. The soul maybe. I’ll let you keep guessing on that one. But you already know.

Back to our complicated lovers

Now back to our complicated lovers. Yes, I said lovers. Because that is what they are. They can’t seem to be happy without one another and they can’t seem to be comfortable with each other. Where is the happy medium? They are completely beautifully complicated individuals who have complicated lives and yet they each have a special gift that no one else could ever understand but the two of them. Do they love each other? Why can’t they just walk away, let go and move on? Because, the string that keeps them connected won’t let them stray to far off their path. Some days she finds herself smiling with complete joy knowing that he’s pissing her off. At the same time, she’s frustrated because her animalistic side wants to devour him. Shall I continue with our complicated beauty series?

If you enjoyed reading What’s wrong with being a complicated beauty subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Merchandise Me with the Right Display

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s My Business Journey Journal our topic of discussion was about merchandise me with the right display . In other words, merchandise me. Stemming off of our previous My Business Journey Journal Topics, we decided to focus on our goods and services that we want to sell for a profit while giving value to our customers.

What is merchandising?

Basically, merchandise is defined as goods that are bought and sold. This includes personal or commercial products, and commodities that are sold to members of the public and other businesses. Second, merchandise can be offered in two types. For instance, they can be sold in retail and/or wholesale. To clarify, retail is when a company sells their products directly to the customer. Whereas, wholesale is when a company purchases products in bulk directly from the manufacturer and then turns around and sells it to the retailer or other wholesale companies.

Focused Eagle Display
Roam Wild and Free

Goals of Merchandising

There are two goals for merchandising. The first goal is an activity of support for your retail strategy that will generate revenue for the retailer and give value for the customer. With this in mind, your goods and services that you wish to sell for a profit are more beneficial if they also provide value for your customer. The second goal is deciding on what products to stock up on. In fact, this goal is a key to one of your retail strategies.

Merchandise is an Asset

Merchandise is an asset because it is usually expected to be liquidated within a year. Specifically, it is expected to be sold and turned into cash. It should be noted that merchandise is also considered a current asset within accounting. so when an item is purchased, the merchandise should be debited to the inventory account and credited to the cash or accounts payable account.

More of a Science than an Art

E-commerce merchandising are items bought and sold online. Typically, you will see these items displayed on your virtual storefront. In fact, e-commerce merchandising is the art and science of displaying products and/or offers on a website with the goal of increasing sales. Furthermore, having a good understanding of how other top revenue generating storefronts display and promote their merchandise online could help both small and mid-sized businesses improve sales. For the most part, the primary importance of merchandising is to clearly display products so that they are easy to find.

Most important aspects of merchandising

First and foremost, the term merchandising is to ensure products are displayed correctly and for maximum impact. Not only is the word “Merch” a slang term, but it also means “to put it on something”. Such as being able to provide factual evidence that something is what you are claiming it to be. Which leads me to the 5 R’s of merchandising.

  1. Providing the Right Merchandise
  2. At the Right Place
  3. At the Right Time
  4. In the Right Quantities
  5. At the Right Price

Visual Merchandising for impact

A marketing practice that uses floor plans, color, lighting, displays, technology, and other elements to attract the customers attention is visual merchandising. To generate more sales you will want to evaluate the 4 key elements of visual merchandising. For instance, store exterior, store layout, store interior and interior display. In addition to the key elements, you will need 4 basic displays for a strong visual impact. Furthermore, displays can be with one item, similar products, related products and a cross mix of items.

Effective Merchandising

To get the most out of your retail space you will want to create hot spots. Specifically, your fixtures and displays will help guide the shopper to browse and buy impulsively. Again, your ultimate goal is to generate more sales. A great hot spot will showcase new and seasonal products, advertised merchandise and establish your image.


It’s not our art, but our heart on display

Gary Holland

If you enjoyed reading Merchandise Me with the Right Display subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

An Open Space to Gain Attention

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s My Business Journey Journal our topic of discussion was about an open space to gain attention . In other words, a storefront. Stemming off of our previous My Business Journey Journal Topics, we decided to focus on where we are going to sell our merchandise or services for a profit.

What is a storefront?

When researching the definition from the dictionary, we defined a storefront in three ways. First, we found out that it is described as a façade of a store. More specifically, a façade is the face of a building where the principle front looks onto a street or an open space. Second, we read that it is a room or set of rooms facing the street on the ground floor of a commercial building, which is typically used as a store. Third, we uncovered that the function is to attract visual attention to a business and its merchandise.

An Open Space To Attract Visual Attention

So then, what is an e-commerce storefront?

An e-commerce storefront has the same function as the dictionary’s definition for attracting visual attention for a business and its’ merchandise. However, instead of having a physical location in a building, your business and merchandise can be seen on a virtual storefront. Also known as an electronic storefront or online storefront. In particular, this is a solution for merchants who want to host a website that advertises their products and or services. In turn, the consumer can make a transaction generated online. Specifically, the transaction of money, funds, and data.

Transactions can be done in 4 Ways

Just like entrepreneurs have 4 ways to set up their business, an e-commerce can perform in 4 different ways. Unlike the business set up, the transactions can be done business to business, business to customer, customer to customer and customer to business. Of course, you have the ability to conduct your transactions in all 4 of these ways.

  1. Business to Business (B2B)
  2. Business to Customer (B2C)
  3. Customer to Customer (C2C)
  4. Customer to Business (C2B)
Virtual Transaction
Virtual Transactions

Common Skills for an Electronic Storefront?

To boost competitiveness in an increasingly digital marketplace, companies are searching and hiring in-demand e-commerce skills. Basically, an individual could possess 1 of the 4 skills or preferably all 4 skills would be highly beneficial. Software Development is the key to an e-commerce success as with Search Engine Optimization, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.

  1. Software development
  2. SEO
  3. Data analytics
  4. Artificial intelligence

Can you save money with e-commerce?

If I was to answer this question, I would say why yes, you can save money with an e-commerce. Keep in mind, it has both it’s advantages and disadvantages. So, how can you save money? Well, you won’t have to worry about large overhead costs. For example, money spent on rent, utilities and other physical store front costs. I have read that it’s a big expense for running a physical retail store. When you create and open an online store you gain the advantage of gaining more customers virtually by engaging with them. As a result, an e-commerce store has become an important tool for both small and large businesses worldwide.

Successful façade and online stores will have:

Since businesses want to save money and gain money at the same time, we have dissected the 10 rules for having a successful storefront design whether it’s a façade or online. Ultimately, you would like your vision to tell a story that will guide your design, your service ethics, the mood and the experience of your store.

  1. Create a vision
  2. Polish your storytelling
  3. Design for engagement
  4. Make it look like your concept
  5. Meet the sidewalk
  6. Let people sit
  7. Be transparent
  8. Send a loud and clear message
Envision Dream Head Wrap and Neck Cover
Envision Dream Versatile Head Wrap/Neck Cover

The Top 10 E-commerce Platforms

When finding a platform to display and sell your merchandise on, you might want to review the top 10 e-commerce platforms named for the year 2021. They are ranked highest to lowest. Importantly, these platforms include both an easy online store launch and website builder. It should be noted, e-commerce sites will allow your online shop to flourish as you sell online.

  1. Wix
  2. Square Online
  3. Go Daddy
  4. Big Commerce
  5. Woocommerce
  6. Squarespace
  7. 1&1 Ionos
  8. Shopify
  10. Network Solutions

Should I start an Etsy Store?

I really don’t have an answer for you at this moment in time. Currently, I do not have an Etsy Store. However for this blog, I found out that Etsy is a marketplace similar to eBay and Facebook Marketplace. Except, the merchandise you sell on Etsy is for handmade goods and vintage items of 20 years or older. It does provide an easy way for talented crafters and artists to sell the fruits of their labor.  Keep in mind, it will limit your sales to only Etsy clients. For exposure and brand awareness, I could possibly have an Etsy store in the future. As of today, I am still focusing on building my personal e-commerce business site foundation and its growth.

Have you heard of the three S’s of E-Commerce?

In addition to the 4 ways you can conduct transactions with your e-commerce site, there are 3 S’s of e-commerce. First, you will need sufficient storage space. For instance, the best e-commerce platform will let your virtual shop sell online without any limitations. Specifically, it will offer inventory space and bandwidth to fit your growing needs. Second, you will need to make sure your site provides safety for both you and your potential customers. Indeed, having safety is a must for all e-commerce websites. Third, you will want to invest in a user-friendly interface. Of course, the best sites will have tools to help you select your desired options easily.

Undoubtedly, a top-notch site builder will make it easy to continue to build your online store as you grow. As a result, having well-designed menus, filters, and sorting options will minimize the amount of time it takes to find a product and purchase it. Clearly, saving money and gaining money at the same time is your ultimate goal, right?

  1. Storage space
  2. Safety protocols
  3. Site Design


Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago

Warren Buffett

If you enjoyed reading An Open Space to Gain Attention subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

The Grinch Who Broke Down In Frozen Shoes

The Grinch Who Broke Down in Frozen Shoes
Momma Grinch

6:30 Dinner with Me. I can’t cancel that again.

The Grinch from How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s Instagram Sip N Think Live Chat held on December 19, 2020, our topic of discussion was about Sheri becoming the Grinch who was trying to put herself in someone else’s shoes. Additionally, I wanted to let you learn a little something about me and how my blended family works together and doesn’t when shit happens. For this episode, my son was driving my truck with his two brothers and it started to shut off while he was driving. Luckily, he was able to park it at Walmart when it shut off completely.

This also happened the day after a major snow storm in the RI area. As in illustration, it was 4:30pm and the sun had just gone down. The temperature was only 21 degrees out and their was ice and snow all over the roads. My emotions were triggered and all over the place. I was calm on the outside, but my insides were swirling like a tornado. Blood pressure was rising to beyond functioning level. I was thinking about my son, his brothers and my daughter. Additionally, I was thinking about my broken down truck and how I was going to get it home and how much money it was going to cost to get fixed. I won’t lie, I was also thinking about myself and how cold and tired I was and all I wanted to do was go home.

External Factors affecting the Grinch’s Heart in 2020

Since Covid cases have risen drastically in RI and the fact that I work in the health field, you can only imagine the stress my body and mental was already under. I have been trying really hard to maintain a good mental and emotional balance just from work , bills, and Covid impacts alone. Yes, these are all external factors and with these complications, my family and loved ones are the ones affected by it most of all. I am a firm believer in the fact that if God brought you to it, he will get you thru it. As a result, I do what I must given the duties and responsibilities laid upon me. This is what a MOM does. This is what a Leader does. This is what Love does.


The Envision Dream design represents your own personal journey when pieced together.  The Rainbow Heart is placed behind the Journey. 


The heart represents your own heart. Your heart is a delicate part of you but also a strong piece of you (the individual). When you put your heart into something, it makes it that much more personal to you.  This is important for when you come to an obstacle or road block in your path.  Their will be times that are hard and complicated.  As well as unexpected events along the journey. When this happens, you will need to look into your heart. 

Coincidently, The Grinch’s heart grew when he realized what the true meaning of Christmas was. He needed to look into his heart to figure out what really matters the most. When my son called me to say “mom, I know you are going to be mad because the truck is not clean”, my reply was “all that matters is that you are ok”. Material things can always be replaced but you my son, cannot.

WATCH OUR FULL SIP N THINK CHAT DISCUSSION BELOW While Putting myself in other peoples shoes as in the grinch who broke down in frozen shoes

“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a Store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”

The Grinch from Dr. Seuss

If you enjoyed reading The Grinch Who Broke Down in Frozen Shoes subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Puzzling Mind Preparing for the Snow to Plummet

Make Sure You Have Your Bag Packed Incase You Get Stuck in the Storm

Apparently, I cannot get my mind to think straight with all of this snow talk. Really, your puzzling mind is preparing for the snow to plummet? How much snow will we get? Let me watch the weather forecast like a crack head craving for my next hit. Please do not take offense to that analogy. But seriously, we only focus on the weather channel like a hawk when we hear of a storm coming. Ultimately, I guess it makes our lives interesting.

Yes, I am still puzzled by why we only need milk, eggs and bread when their is a snow storm. Furthermore, why do we as humans race to the grocery store to buy up all of the milk, eggs and bread on the shelves just as the snow starts to plummet? Inquiring minds really do want to know how and why this is considered getting prepared for a snow storm.

What you did to prepare for the storm will determine how fast you recover from the storm.

Scott J. Vail

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s Instagram Sip N Think Live Chat held on December 15, 2020, our topic of discussion was about the upcoming snow storm heading it’s way for RI mixed in with other puzzling thoughts.


Preparing for the Snow

Envision Dream Sip & Think Blue Mug– Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

Come on, it’ll be fun. Unless we get stuck here, you starve and I give up

Olaf from Disney

This year especially, has me thinking and reflecting on the years past. December is typically the month of reflection. However, I feel as though I am reflecting even more now than I ever did. For instance, I am looking at old pictures and all the meaning behind them. In addition to old pictures, I am listening to traditional Christmas songs play over and over again. Literally, I’m thinking like, these songs need to be upgraded. On the other hand, I really do like classic and traditional songs too. Apparently, my mind is still puzzling me as the snow begins to plummet. Ahh the Memories!! That’s it, we have fond memories. Both good and bad memories.

WATCH OUR FULL SIP N THINK CHAT Puzzling DISCUSSION BELOW with respect to The Snow Storm is Coming

If you enjoyed reading Puzzling Mind Preparing for the Snow to Plummet subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

Why My Fascination with Dream Catchers

Why dream catchers
The Legend of the Dream Catcher

What is the purpose of a Dream Catcher?

Let’s start with the traditional meaning of what is a dream catcher and what does it mean to catch dreams? Specifically, the meaning of dream catchers comes from the Original Natives or in my knowledge Indigenous People of this land we call America.

In addition, each tribe or tribal nation have a different cultural meaning and they also have their own legend of the dream catcher’s purpose. Above all, it is believed that when you hang a dream catcher over your bed it will catch the bad dreams and let the good dreams pass thru.

Obviously for this purpose, bad dreams not knowing their way, are caught in the web and melt away in the first light of morning. In this case, the first light of morning represents the sun’s light.

Specifically, the sun’s light will burn away the bad dreams that are caught in the web. As a result of getting caught in the web, the bad dreams will be no more. Where as, the good dreams will slip thru the web and slide down the feathers. Finally, flowing down into the dreamer.

I’m a firm believer in following your dreams so let’s make sure they are good dreams

Why Dream Catchers
My very first dream catcher made of twigs

My fascination with dream catchers began at a young age. Specifically, I would and still do collect them from different places. Firstly, they came from Native American Indian Pow Wows. As well as, visits to Indian Reservations from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Arizona, Massachusetts, New York, Florida and Hawaii. Such as, the one in the picture above is made out of sticks and twigs. It was the first dream catcher I ever bought myself.

Needless to say, I was working with family tribal members of the Narragansett Indian Tribe at the International Indian Pow Wow in Connecticut on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation. Ultimately, this dream catcher caught my eye because it was different and it was made from nature. Additionally, over the years friends and family members would give them to me as gifts.

Catching Dreams is part of my fascination with dream catchers

I remember one day, I walked into the house and saw an orchid plant on the kitchen table along with a card nestled up against the pot. Clearly, I opened the card and started to read. At that specific moment my eyes began to fill up with water. At this point, I could feel the tears start to fall down my face. As I read, the words “my dream catcher, always catching dreams and making mine and everyone else’s dreams come true”, it took me a minute to take it all in. At an instant 40 years of my life flashed back and forth before my very soul.

Clearly, I love to help people catch their dreams and make them come true. Of course, their is no guarantee, but when someone let’s me help them, it is possible to make those dreams a reality. It should be noted that the big catcher is, you just don’t know when.

What does dream catching mean to me?

why dream catchers
The Girl Behind catching her dreams

I have always believed in the legend of the dream catcher. Every dream I have ever wished has come true. Don’t get me wrong, I have put in a lot of sweat and tears to get to where I am today. It all started with a dream and a girl behind the dream.

Could you believe in the legend of the dream catcher? Would you believe in your dreams? Do you believe in yourself?

Envision Dream Yoga Pants

If you enjoyed reading Why My Fascination with Dream Catchers subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual