Obviously Fred Jr was named after her Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred is an awesome guy and Snapchat helped bring Freddie Jr alive. As you can see riding in the dark allows junior to highlight some of her great features. This reminds me of when Uncle Fred would pick us up in the brown truck and allow us to ride in the back of the pick up. I believe we would watch fireworks in this truck. What did I Know? I was acting cool in my cool uncle’s truck. NightRiderFred enjoys working on cars and trucks as well as taking long drives to enjoy natural sceneries. Just look at those highlights!
Working out with Freddie
Work Out Fred
After getting my annual physical, the doctor never mentioned my facial hair growth and only focused on my lab stats. This means I need to eat more vegetables and non processed foods combined with extensive exercise. The plan is still a work in progress. Fred Jr enjoys spin class at elevate barre and cycle. The doctor has recommended adding in the barre class for strength training. Workout Fred also has severe seasonal allergies with ashama. As soon as Freddie can breathe, she will be back to riding daily and working on another fitness challenge to jumpstart her health goals.
Did you say Business Casual?
Business Casual Fred
Business as usual with Freddie. Working double time and overtime is what she does the most. Nights, weekends, whatever it takes. Riding from one end of the state to the other end, Freddie is meeting with professionals from all over to network her great abilities and build relationships. Why business casual? Well, you never know who you will meet or what the weather will be like so why not be comfortable.
Hope this put a smile on your face 😄
I hope you enjoyed your introduction into Freddie Jr. Let’s wish her well with her endeavors. Enjoy your day!
I believe my destination and my journey are different from the person who is sitting right next me. I also believe that no two journeys or paths are the same. We are all unique and special in our own way. Our uniqueness is what makes us beautiful. I would be bored if everyone was exactly like me. I like to be challenged every now and then. Yes, I can get frustrated with things and people but I really don’t mind it. I say the more triggers you make the better I get. LOL! Have you taken the time to reflect recently? When was the last time you were sitting by the dock of the bay?
Literally sitting under the dock of the bay and I’m watching my life/time roll away listening to Otis Redding’s “Sitting on the dock of the bay” song.
Don’t forget your sunglasses-protect them with a dream catcher hard shell case
Today I’m listening to the waves crash on the ocean floor. I decided to take a drive down to the Ocean Mist Beach Bar in South Kingstown, RI to meet up with my girlfriend. I needed to feel the sun’s rays beat against my flesh. The sun was hitting me in the right spot. Shining onto my face and body and allowing me to take in the natural vitamin D. As a result, my body felt so good to put my feet into the warm sand and lie down. I thought to myself, what is better than this? Seriously, what is better than feeling stress free and happy? I’m relaxing by this enormous beauty formed from mother nature. Content I am. Happy I am. One I am.
Soaking in the Sun’s Rays of the day
Yes, I pack a bag and my beach towel travels with me for these kinds of occasions.
What do you see in the picture below? Well, I see that the ocean view is obscured by a frame of wood. In order for me to get a better view, I must take a step forward in order to capture the whole scene. To me, moving forward meant moving past the blockages of bar stools and people in my way or in other words life. Yes, of course I could have taken a step back and lost site of the entire seascape altogether.
Small Adjustments Can Make A Difference
On the other hand, I could have stayed right where I was and not making a move at all. That would mean I would have to continue to glance at the ocean from a picture box. Of course I wanted a better picture so graciously I made my way to the opening. My Picture is a gorgeous view and breathtaking it was. At that moment in time I got a glimpse of my past, present and future all at that one moment of an ocean view.
Viewing the emotions of the ocean from a picture box window at The Ocean Mist Beach Bar, RI.
As one day ends another begins
We always hear the term “when one door closes another opens“, the same is true when we say as one day ends another begins. The sun sets and then rises again. In Sheri terms the wave in motion is filled with emotions. Turning our days into nights and our nights into days. I was always taught that the moon controls the tides (high and low) and that the moon also controls or has an effect on our emotions. I guess that is why they say “my emotions are like the waves in the ocean“.
Dream Catcher Wood Frame-Eagle (it bestows freedom and courage to look ahead
The world is turning continuously. Our minds and emotions are always moving at top speed just like a roller coaster. Here’s a good one for ya, the ocean was here before the roller coaster came into existence. Did that make you think for minute? Some days we are left wondering if this peacefulness will stay or go. If pictures can say a thousand words than I see the future further out in the distance. It’s possible to get to my future, but why do I need to speed thru my present to get there? I need to embrace my present because before we know it we will be missing the past.
Listening and watching the waves crash on the ocean rocks at The Ocean Mist Beach Bar, RI
Are you feeling trapped by our own existence? Do you embrace the struggles of today? Do you ever feel better when you are soaking up in the sun?
My dad was definitely a dreamer. It was hard trying to believe anything he said. He would add bits and pieces to make his stories more interesting. One thing that was true and undeniable was his love for his children. He did not show his love in the form of money or providing a roof over our heads. Therefore we did not look to him for these qualities. The truth is he did not teach us about stability. Am I sad or hurt by this, no I am not. He did teach us to Respect our mother regardless of what he was or wasn’t doing. He also taught us to stick together no matter what. He taught us to do the things he wished he had done but by the time he could make it right, it was too late for him. He taught us how to fish, pump gas, change a tire, change our oil for our vehicles, enjoy life by traveling outside your comfort zone, try different things, go out on new adventures and always have a dream. My dad didn’t seem to stay in the same spot for too long. He would try something and if he failed once, he would drop it and then move to the next thing. That was just his way and over time we would accept that. He had three girls and one boy, all who were special to him. He would say “you are all special to me” and we all got the same treatment. Did we fight for dads attention? Yes and No. We cherished the time we were given because we always knew it would be a short visit. I lived 18 years of distance from him before he returned home to spend what he had left of his living life. He was able to build a relationship with his grandchildren for the first time. At one point I got very angry with him because I didn’t understand how he could leave us and the separation from him and our only brother was devestating. When we had the talk, he was already paralyzed sitting in a wheelchair, he had no where to run and had to face the music. I let him know that no matter how much we think or he thought he messed up, I would be there to take care of him until the end. I wanted him to know that I loved him, he was/is my dad and he always has a place in my heart ❤️. Happy Father’s Day in Heaven Daddy!
Admiring My Step-Dad. We call him “POP”
My stepdad jumped in with no questions asked. Three emotional girls and six grandchildren later. Always testing my boundaries and throwing in the “you’re not my dad” trick. My sisters latched onto him quicker than me. I would say it took over 20 years for me to really see how great a man he really is. He is and was always willing to help in anyway he can. He was also there for us physically, financially and emotionally. He was there for graduations, proms, pregnancies, weddings, car braking down, supporting our endeavors big and small. He helped put a roof over our heads and food on the table. He brought us on vacations and allowed us to bring friends. Traveling to Disney with my kids is a tradition I get and want to continue that was passed down from my stepdad. On my wedding day he walked me down the isle to give me away as his own daughter. I am his daughter and he had a hand in raising me. Was my biological father present? Yes he was, but his health was so bad he couldn’t fullfil this task. Had he had been strong enough to walk, I would have had them both walk me down the isle just like my older sister did. Pop was the stable one who would get us to think rationally. I remember he helped me with my science project (how wetlands work and why they are valuable). Around our town people will go to him for all kinds of advice on projects. Our family adores him. He is truly one of a kind. Happy Father’s day Pop. The kids and I are so lucky to have you.
All A Dad wants is for his little girl to be happy
Happy Father’s Day
Overall I had two great dads. Both were like “MacGyver”. They could fix anything, solve anything, build anything and create anything. Enjoy your Father’s Day!
What does my comfort space is cluttered mean? For instance, my happy place is filled with so many unfinished projects and some pieces are left in one room and other pieces are left in another room. If you have one piece of a project in your resting place, do you look at it before laying down? If so, chances are you are going to think about that piece, the project you started, where the other pieces are and so on.
Now, you have just stressed yourself out and your blood pressure is rising. As a result, you reminded yourself about the project you never completed and it’s on your mind as you are trying to close your eyes and sleep. In addition, you start thinking about the pieces you still need to purchase to complete the project. The ripple effect has started and you are now stressing out about the money you need to purchase the additional pieces.
When your comfort space is full of clutter
Crap is All Around Me, I must be full of clutter
It is hard to get the rest you need when your comfort space is full of clutter. Such as, when you don’t get the rest you need you feel exhausted as if you haven’t even slept. Is their a link to not sleeping well and a cluttered sleeping area? Clearly, I always feel so stress free whenever I travel for vacation.
Simultaneously, I get much needed rest and have so much more energy when I travel for vacation. Obviously, I have more energy because my body got the rest that it needed. Again, why am I able to get the rest that I need on vacation but not at home? I have really thought about this situation. I am trying to figure out if their is something at my house or resting place that is making me not get the rest I need. Since my hotel room or resting place is clutter free when I go on vacation, I have nothing to worry and stress about. In conclusion, I believe my comfort space at home is cluttered.
Aromatherapy Deffuser & Essential Oils to help bring comfort to your resting space-Lavender
I thought it would be simple to get rid of things. The joke was on me. Sometimes we can struggle with making the decision to get rid of things we don’t need.
Dream Catcher Storage Bin-Dual use for both storage and laundry
What is the real reason for staying cluttered and keeping something that is broken? Specifically, have you ever put something aside and said “I’ll fix it” and then that turned into, I’ll fix it later to pushing it off to the side and a few years later it’s still not fixed. Exactly and it happens to the best of us. Don’t let that get you down. You are not alone. When doing my research,by asking others what they do in this situation, I learned that when we keep broken things in our home or comfort space it gives off negative energy. Do I completely believe that theory? I am not sure, but I’ll test it out. It is a reason to motivate me to get rid of things that are broken and it will help to work on the clutter in my comfort space.
Breaking into the Clutter
What it looks like to be overwhelmed on the inside with clutter
Breaking into the clutter is like going down the rabbit hole. As in illustration, I’m taking a few minutes here and there, sometimes daily or every other day, I’m feeling good, going through the clutter in my comfort space and getting rid of things. Now, my mind starts racing and my heart starts pounding. Since I am feeling good and I have a rhythm going, I tell myself that I got this, I can do more. Again, this is only the beginning of the beginning. Now, I start opening closets, cupboards, the pantry and drawers. Can you say overwhelming? I told myself that I need to close them. Specifically, I’m not ready to take on these next projects of cleaning the clutter in my comfort space.
Momma’s Helper to break through the clutter
Clutter is so complicated
The goal is to make space not take up the space. Why is this so complicated? Now, I’m trying to figure out what goes where and organize every space in the house. At this point, I really feel this is going to take me a long time and now their is crap all over the place and it looks like a tornado came thru. As a result, I feel like it doesn’t even look like I did anything. In conclusion, I am back to feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
It’s time to take a break from the clutter
They say things don’t happen over night and “Rome wasn’t built in a day” so it may be time to take a break from the clutter project. Clearly, I need to give myself a pat on the back for getting the process started. Furthermore, if I do a little cleaning here and there, I will start to see the results of my efforts. Now, that I’ve spent the first few hours of my day getting rid of shoes (my shoes, kids shoes and hubby’s shoes), I feel better about accomplishing the task of the day. As a result of my efforts, I was able to put a bag together for good will and I organized the space in our closets. One small task completed and a little more space to work with. One day at a time.
It might be good to cleanse your resting place for some stress relief
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Remember when you were young sitting in the playroom at the doctor’s office stacking building blocks. Of course you wanted to build the highest tower without it falling. Then your brother or sister comes running over to you and halts right in front of it. The tower you just built begins to sway at the top and then bang, it all collapses just by his or her heavy breathing. Go figure right? I used to get so upset when my sister or cousin did that to me. But hey I gathered them all back up and started building again. I seem to repeat this step with some areas in my life.
They come in all shapes and sizes
Is it a trend?
Some would debate the issue, but as I have gotten older I have realized that it’s ok to start all over. We learn by making mistakes and it teaches us to keep trying until we feel safe, secure and satisfied with our plans. We all have to start somewhere and we all have to fail at some point. See this is what shows us what we are made of. Will it break me? The answer is No. Will it hurt me? The answer is Yes. A great example is when you are first learning to walk, but determined and persistent as you are, you learn to walk. Everytime you fell, sometimes right on your face cause you couldn’t work the hand in front of my face save yet, you still tried to get back up and try again. The trend in this case would be you only learned to crawl and that’s it. Walking involved more muscles and strength.
Gotta Learn to Crawl Before You Can Walk
Find A Spot to Lay Your Bricks
The key to a good foundation is making sure it’s level. How can my foundation be sturdy and strong if my first blocks are completely unlevel and shakey? That leaves much open for insects, rodents, cracks, water, you name it. My body, mind and soul are all part of my foundation. I have to be strong emotionally, physically and spiritually in order for me to pursue anything I put my mind too. I believe that our personal journey in life gets us balanced at the end. Of course the scale fluctuates on either side because I’m still learning and growing. The Journey is the best part and the most remembered.
It’s A Walk of Balance
Why Is A Leveled Structure Useful?
Being balanced helps us evolve. Everytime we rebuild or build from scratch we go back to the fundamentals that helped frame us. I used this technique when I went back to college as an older adult and earned my degree, when I purchased my first home, when I took my kids to Disney for the first time, when I got my first job and now Sheri’s Dream Catcher. Sure I have things to fix and improve upon both personally and professionally but it’s made me see all the wonderful things I can do and achieve.
Casa Grande National Monument Prehistoric Ruins Arizona Trip 2017
Do you feel unbalanced with something in your life? Have you looked at your foundation? What do you need and want to fix?
Having technical difficulty with my mind as I take on a new endeavor. Specifically, starting a new entrepreneur business on my own started to leave me feeling discouraged at first. However, the more I educate and train myself the more I am learning I never knew, I never knew.
What will I do? Technical difficulty with my mind
Starting a new endeavor can leave you feeling technically lost at first.
For instance, I had decided to start my own blog this past summer. At first, I was so discouraged because their was a lot I needed to learn with starting a blog on the internet. In general, just starting my own blog whether it is for personal journal entries or a new business takes a lot of time to configure your own website. It was my own personal preference to creating my own website. Of course you can hire a professional to do it for you. However for me, that will just add to the start up cost.
Saving up for Rose Gold Dell XLP 9370 Laptop-working my way up from a smart phone to a blogging travel computer
I am not a professional blogger and I am just beginning my new endeavor so why would I just jump into putting a ton of money into something I don’t know works yet. On the other hand, it takes money to make money they say. However, if I am just beginning, I believe that over time and as my knowledge and experience grows, I will be able to add more features into my blogging website. Specifically, I really feel that if I am going to put my best foot forward with creating my own Brand, it is best that I learn how to create my own website. This is just a personal preference.
I first started taking videos and pictures for my blogging website with an android and then upgraded to the the Google Pixel 3
Whenever I am contemplating an idea, I tend to talk to myself. For instance I said to myself, “the more I learn how to do on my own, the less money I will have to pay out of pocket down the road”. Again, this is personal preference. On the contrary, my sister likes to pay all the upfront costs and just get it over with so her website would be up and running in no time. As a result, this option allows her more time to just focus on creating and maintaining her brand. I recommend that an individual has the right to pick the option that is best for them and hopefully it won’t break the bank either.
Traveling to the Unknown Destination-Technical Difficulty with my mind
Reflecting on technical difficulties with my mind
In the above photo I took, I was on an airplane on my way to Hawaii for the very first time in my life. Hawaii was a place I have always wanted to travel to since I was a kid. I worked really hard to make my dream come true. However, as I was sitting there pondering over and over again in my head, I started thinking and thinking. Specifically, I was reflecting on my life at that moment.
You might need some Sunglasses for your airplane ride, how about protecting them in a Dream Catcher hard shell case. Remember those dreams
Where do I see myself in 5 years or 10 years from now?
What is holding me back?
Committing to one direction or the other
It’s like having one foot in the sand and one foot in the water at the same time. To me this means that you are not fully in the water or fully on the warm sand with both feet or your whole body. A lot of times we go back and forth with our decisions. Specifically we ask ourselves, Do I do this? Do I not do this? What happens if I jump right into the water/project? What happens if I stay on the beach and not go into the water at all? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! I believe it’s normal to have these conflicting thoughts with yourself. Sooner or later we need to commit to one direction or the other. This is something you need to figure out for yourself. No one knows you better than you.
The Sunlight is still peaking thru as it sets-Clearing the technical difficulty with my mind
Do you have trouble deciding what you want to do? Do you agree that you get stuck sometimes? Got to start somewhere! Why not start now?
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Let’s start with the traditional meaning of what is a dream catcher and what does it mean to catch dreams? Specifically, the meaning of dream catchers comes from the Original Natives or in my knowledge Indigenous People of this land we call America.
In addition, each tribe or tribal nation have a different cultural meaning and they also have their own legend of the dream catcher’s purpose. Above all, it is believed that when you hang a dream catcher over your bed it will catch the bad dreams and let the good dreams pass thru.
Obviously for this purpose, bad dreams not knowing their way, are caught in the web and melt away in the first light of morning. In this case, the first light of morning represents the sun’s light.
Specifically, the sun’s light will burn away the bad dreams that are caught in the web. As a result of getting caught in the web, the bad dreams will be no more. Where as, the good dreams will slip thru the web and slide down the feathers. Finally, flowing down into the dreamer.
I’m a firm believer in following your dreams so let’s make sure they are good dreams
My very first dream catcher made of twigs
My fascination with dream catchers began at a young age. Specifically, I would and still do collect them from different places. Firstly, they came from Native American Indian Pow Wows. As well as, visits to Indian Reservations from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Arizona, Massachusetts, New York, Florida and Hawaii. Such as, the one in the picture above is made out of sticks and twigs. It was the first dream catcher I ever bought myself.
Needless to say, I was working with family tribal members of the Narragansett Indian Tribe at the International Indian Pow Wow in Connecticut on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation. Ultimately, this dream catcher caught my eye because it was different and it was made from nature. Additionally, over the years friends and family members would give them to me as gifts.
Catching Dreams is part of my fascination with dream catchers
I remember one day, I walked into the house and saw an orchid plant on the kitchen table along with a card nestled up against the pot. Clearly, I opened the card and started to read. At that specific moment my eyes began to fill up with water. At this point, I could feel the tears start to fall down my face. As I read, the words “my dream catcher, always catching dreams and making mine and everyone else’s dreams come true”, it took me a minute to take it all in. At an instant 40 years of my life flashed back and forth before my very soul.
Clearly, I love to help people catch their dreams and make them come true. Of course, their is no guarantee, but when someone let’s me help them, it is possible to make those dreams a reality. It should be noted that the big catcher is, you just don’t know when.
What does dream catching mean to me?
The Girl Behind catching her dreams
I have always believed in the legend of the dream catcher. Every dream I have ever wished has come true. Don’t get me wrong, I have put in a lot of sweat and tears to get to where I am today. It all started with a dream and a girl behind the dream.
Could you believe in the legend of the dream catcher? Would you believe in your dreams? Do you believe in yourself?
If you enjoyed reading Why My Fascination with Dream Catchers subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual
A dream you want to achieve in the future begins with the process of writing your own thoughts and ideas down onto a piece of paper. For instance, have you ever heard someone say “keep a journal next to your bed”? Well, I have plenty of times. What’s the reasoning behind it? Well, they say that if you journal about your dreams, you are more likely to turn those thoughts and ideas into a reality. Remember a dream is just a dream until you’ve given commitment to the vision you created in your mind. The execution of that dream becomes a goal to achieve once you put a date to it.
A Dream You Want to Achieve
Why Must We Create A Dream Plan?
For starters, you do not have to do anything. As a result of doing nothing, it means you have achieved nothing. Am I correct? As a matter of fact, most of the time I tend to use my vision to focus on the dreams I’ve envisioned for myself to achieve. By the same token, to continue to move forward with my dream process, I tend to ask myself questions. For example, “How am I going to achieve my dream?”
Evaluation of the current situation
Where am I at now?
Where do I see myself in anther 1, 3 or 5 years from now?
What resources do I have available to me now?
What can I do on my own?
What do I need assistance with?
Who can I learn from?
Who can I rely on?
How will I take my first step?
Research, Research, Research!!!
Indeed, you have started the process of your dream foundation. Another way to look at your foundation is to think of it as creating building blocks that will formulate your plan which is connected to your goal that links to the dream you want to achieve.
What are you thoughts and Ideas?
A Plan is only a plan similar to a dream is only a dream.
In order for the dream to materialize we must put forth “Action“. For instance, sitting in a dark room visualizing our dreams is only going to produce the visualizing. Not only is “Execution” vital to achieving our dreams but “Action” also is a key component to activating our dreams into a reality. For example, a football team doesn’t win by standing on the field waiting for the referee to scream touch down. Likewise, a basketball player doesn’t stand on the court holding the ball in his hands saying “did you see that shot I didn’t take”?
Create Your Own Vision with a Vision Board
Always Try. If at first I don’t succeed, try, try again.
For this reason, I believe it is imperative to at least Try. As a consequence to our actions, it will either make or break us. Such as, not taking action will leave us at square one, just visualizing. The choice is yours really. You take the direction that is best for you, as it should be.
WATCH OUR FULL SIP N THINK CHAT DISCUSSION we had on January 28th BELOW with THE topic: Dream deadline
Dreams don’t work, unless you do
John C. Maxwell
If you enjoyed reading A Dream You Want to Achieve In The Future subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts.
Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual