Recently I took a walk at The King’s Preserve located in Saunderstown, RI. This is a 3 mile walk/hike minimum thru nature. You can go around and around depending on the direction and trail you take. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed getting out into the fresh air.

Finding yourself in The King’s Preserve?
While walking thru the hood of the woods or as some might say the enchanted forest, I used this opportunity to clear my mind. For instance, I did this by thinking and talking about different things going on in my life. Specifically, I really looked deep into who I am and who I have been as a person. In conclusion, I have realized that Sheri the individual has been weighed down by so many obstacles, pain and negative energy. When I looked deep within myself, I could see and feel the beautiful person that I have always been and wanted to be. Furthermore, I believe my outer shell has been so thick due to all the responsibilities I carry alone. Basically, I use my outer shell to shield me from all the crap I face in reality.

Obstacles keep crossing our paths in The King’s Preserve
Of course there were obstacles along the trail. In life we have obstacles. The question is what do we do when we come to an obstacle? Do we stop and turn back? Do we figure out a way to get through these obstacles? What ways can we move forward if an obstacle or obstacles are in our way. We will have to look at each obstacle one at a time. We have to agree that we are committed to following our path. As above so below. Since we do not choose to go under or can’t fit under the obstacle we can go around the obstacle or above the obstacle.
How do we go above the obstacle? One way is thru our Faith. Where there is hope there is faith. I feel we are guided in one way or another. Why is that? Maybe we are to continue practicing on each other so that we can show others how to get thru obstacles. I don’t know, what do you think? There is no right or wrong answer, I agree to that one. We are stuck to each other so we need to figure out how to be or get along together. Do you feel the good outweighs the bad? or is it that the bad outweighs the good?

Balancing act in The King’s Preserve
Climbing over rocks or broken tree limbs require some kind of balancing act. In fact, not every day is going to be bright and sunny. Moreover, not everyday is going to be perfect. We have to be committed to being able to withstand the downfalls. Kinda like the song “Can you stand the rain” by one of my favorite groups New Edition. Maybe the answer to finding balance means that it must come with compromise. Specifically, I am not an expert at balancing. For instance, my scale either dips all the way to the bad or all the way to the good. Consequently, I mean just being able to balance work and family life is a struggle all in itself. Then in conclusion, maybe part of my journey is finding balance.

Finding unconditional love in The King’s Preserve
What I really found going deep within The King’s Preserve is unconditional love. Becoming one with myself and loving it too. Looking at the path I was on, the directions I was taking, the balancing acts I had to do climbing over things and the fresh air to help me clear my mind. It was like I took all the weight off my shoulders and just focused on me. I was happy and carefree for that moment in time. Actually the happy and carefree feeling lasted all day and night. I even slept like a baby. I do believe my guides were with me too.
Obstacles to help you find your way
Yes, I saw some stone walls along the way, but they did not stop me. I had to walk thru the muddy waters and even got stuck a few times. Crossed over some bridges and ripped my way through the prickers. Made it to a large body of water at the bottom of the kingdom. Got lost in the woods and just had so many laughs. All and All it was a great experience, I am humbled to have been able to explore and discover nature’s wonders. The best part is being able to share it with you.
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