Counting Inventory, Save Time and Money

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s My Business Journey Journal our topic of discussion was counting inventory, save time and money . In other words, knowing what to stock and how much to take in at a desired time will help your business in the long run. Stemming off of our previous My Business Journey Journal Topics, we decided to focus on our goods and services that we want to sell for a profit while giving value to our customers.

Needing a product to count

First, in order to have an inventory, we need to have a product. In this case, a product is defined as an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale. It can also be defined as a substance produced during a natural, chemical, or manufacturing process. Additionally, commercially manufactured articles, such as recordings, viewed collectively. Not only can a product be a thing or person that is the result of an action or process but it also can be a person whose character and identity have been formed by a particular period. In short, from last weeks vlog “Merchandise Me” we briefly glazed over the importance of creating a merchandise strategy.

Marketing a product for inventory

For the most part, we want to save time and money with our inventory. For this reason, we want to make sure the product we are marketing will be made available for the consumer to purchase. Furthermore, a product in general can be a service or an item that meets the need and desire of the buyer. Clearly, every product is manufactured at a cost and is sold at a price. Basically, the price of your product charged to the customer will depend on the market, the quality, the marketing and the segment that is targeted.

What is Inventory?

First, inventory is defined by the dictionary as a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of the building. Similar terms are listing, catalog, directory, record, register, roster, statement. Second, it is described as a quantity of goods held in stock. Specifically, in accounting the entire stock of a business, including materials, components, work in progress, and finished products is classified as a current asset on the business’ balance sheet. Furthermore, it serves as a buffer between manufacturing and order fulfillment. Overall, inventory is considered tangible items, products, or goods that you intend to sell to customers. As a result of selling your inventory, your business makes a profit and your customer gains value for their purchase.

Why is inventory needed?

In particular, inventory is how a business can save time and money. For instance, having inventory management skills will give you the tools to problem solve what you need to stock up on and when. As a whole, the backbone of your business is knowing what you have in stock, how you will market it for resale and when it is a good time for the product to excel. To clarify, we have 5 basic reasons for keeping inventory. They are time, seasonal demand, uncertainty, economies of scale and appreciation of value.

Inventory to start an online store

Do you need inventory to start an online store and how much? The answer is no, you do not need inventory to start a virtual storefront. However, you do need a product or service to sell. Furthermore, inventory costs can range from $0-$1000 to start. With this in mind, the amount you invest here will vary greatly depending on whether you are drop shipping and how much inventory you want to start with. It should be noted that having good inventory management skills will benefit your online business too!


Focusing on the unmet need (not the judgement) is more likely to get the need met

Marshall Rosenberg

If you enjoyed reading Counting Inventory, Save Time and Money subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

An Open Space to Gain Attention

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s My Business Journey Journal our topic of discussion was about an open space to gain attention . In other words, a storefront. Stemming off of our previous My Business Journey Journal Topics, we decided to focus on where we are going to sell our merchandise or services for a profit.

What is a storefront?

When researching the definition from the dictionary, we defined a storefront in three ways. First, we found out that it is described as a façade of a store. More specifically, a façade is the face of a building where the principle front looks onto a street or an open space. Second, we read that it is a room or set of rooms facing the street on the ground floor of a commercial building, which is typically used as a store. Third, we uncovered that the function is to attract visual attention to a business and its merchandise.

An Open Space To Attract Visual Attention

So then, what is an e-commerce storefront?

An e-commerce storefront has the same function as the dictionary’s definition for attracting visual attention for a business and its’ merchandise. However, instead of having a physical location in a building, your business and merchandise can be seen on a virtual storefront. Also known as an electronic storefront or online storefront. In particular, this is a solution for merchants who want to host a website that advertises their products and or services. In turn, the consumer can make a transaction generated online. Specifically, the transaction of money, funds, and data.

Transactions can be done in 4 Ways

Just like entrepreneurs have 4 ways to set up their business, an e-commerce can perform in 4 different ways. Unlike the business set up, the transactions can be done business to business, business to customer, customer to customer and customer to business. Of course, you have the ability to conduct your transactions in all 4 of these ways.

  1. Business to Business (B2B)
  2. Business to Customer (B2C)
  3. Customer to Customer (C2C)
  4. Customer to Business (C2B)
Virtual Transaction
Virtual Transactions

Common Skills for an Electronic Storefront?

To boost competitiveness in an increasingly digital marketplace, companies are searching and hiring in-demand e-commerce skills. Basically, an individual could possess 1 of the 4 skills or preferably all 4 skills would be highly beneficial. Software Development is the key to an e-commerce success as with Search Engine Optimization, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.

  1. Software development
  2. SEO
  3. Data analytics
  4. Artificial intelligence

Can you save money with e-commerce?

If I was to answer this question, I would say why yes, you can save money with an e-commerce. Keep in mind, it has both it’s advantages and disadvantages. So, how can you save money? Well, you won’t have to worry about large overhead costs. For example, money spent on rent, utilities and other physical store front costs. I have read that it’s a big expense for running a physical retail store. When you create and open an online store you gain the advantage of gaining more customers virtually by engaging with them. As a result, an e-commerce store has become an important tool for both small and large businesses worldwide.

Successful façade and online stores will have:

Since businesses want to save money and gain money at the same time, we have dissected the 10 rules for having a successful storefront design whether it’s a façade or online. Ultimately, you would like your vision to tell a story that will guide your design, your service ethics, the mood and the experience of your store.

  1. Create a vision
  2. Polish your storytelling
  3. Design for engagement
  4. Make it look like your concept
  5. Meet the sidewalk
  6. Let people sit
  7. Be transparent
  8. Send a loud and clear message
Envision Dream Head Wrap and Neck Cover
Envision Dream Versatile Head Wrap/Neck Cover

The Top 10 E-commerce Platforms

When finding a platform to display and sell your merchandise on, you might want to review the top 10 e-commerce platforms named for the year 2021. They are ranked highest to lowest. Importantly, these platforms include both an easy online store launch and website builder. It should be noted, e-commerce sites will allow your online shop to flourish as you sell online.

  1. Wix
  2. Square Online
  3. Go Daddy
  4. Big Commerce
  5. Woocommerce
  6. Squarespace
  7. 1&1 Ionos
  8. Shopify
  10. Network Solutions

Should I start an Etsy Store?

I really don’t have an answer for you at this moment in time. Currently, I do not have an Etsy Store. However for this blog, I found out that Etsy is a marketplace similar to eBay and Facebook Marketplace. Except, the merchandise you sell on Etsy is for handmade goods and vintage items of 20 years or older. It does provide an easy way for talented crafters and artists to sell the fruits of their labor.  Keep in mind, it will limit your sales to only Etsy clients. For exposure and brand awareness, I could possibly have an Etsy store in the future. As of today, I am still focusing on building my personal e-commerce business site foundation and its growth.

Have you heard of the three S’s of E-Commerce?

In addition to the 4 ways you can conduct transactions with your e-commerce site, there are 3 S’s of e-commerce. First, you will need sufficient storage space. For instance, the best e-commerce platform will let your virtual shop sell online without any limitations. Specifically, it will offer inventory space and bandwidth to fit your growing needs. Second, you will need to make sure your site provides safety for both you and your potential customers. Indeed, having safety is a must for all e-commerce websites. Third, you will want to invest in a user-friendly interface. Of course, the best sites will have tools to help you select your desired options easily.

Undoubtedly, a top-notch site builder will make it easy to continue to build your online store as you grow. As a result, having well-designed menus, filters, and sorting options will minimize the amount of time it takes to find a product and purchase it. Clearly, saving money and gaining money at the same time is your ultimate goal, right?

  1. Storage space
  2. Safety protocols
  3. Site Design


Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago

Warren Buffett

If you enjoyed reading An Open Space to Gain Attention subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual

The Desire to be A Dreamer but Rationally Realistic

Recently on Sheri’s Dream Catcher’s Instagram Sip N Think Live Chat held on January 13th, 2020, our topic of discussion was on The Dreamer. Do you have the desire to be a dreamer but rationally realistic at the same time? This was a fun and interactive chat. As a matter of fact, we discussed the meaning of a dreamer. By the same token, the engagement, thoughts and opinions of those who were able to join us made it joyous and interesting.

What is a dreamer?

First, the dictionary says a dreamer is a person who dreams or is dreaming. The second definition says that a dreamer is a person who has lived in the US without official authorization since coming to the country as a minor. Furthermore, people of this description who met certain conditions would be eligible for a special immigration status under federal legislation first proposed in 2001. Watch our full video below on “The Dreamer” to hear the criteria for the second definition.

What does it mean to be called a dreamer?

So, to be called a dreamer it means a person spends a lot of time thinking about and planning for things that they would like to happen but which are improbable or impractical. Why is this so interesting to me? It is so interesting to me because, I feel like it is saying that if I am a dreamer than that means my dreams are impractical. I don’t completely agree with this statement. Furthermore, I believe we need to be able to dream and if we think our dreams are negative than we will never go after those dreams. So, I guess the question is, am I impractical? And is it ok to be impractical? Basically, I have to be ok with the fact that I am impractical and yes, I am a dreamer.

The Dreamer
The Eye of the Dreamer

Is being a dreamer a bad thing?

No, I do not believe being a dreamer is a bad thing. Do you? In fact, one cannot be a doer if at first they are not a dreamer. Clearly, dreams are comfortable because we do not share them. To clarify, this makes it easy to be a dreamer. However, when we decide to act on making those dreams a reality, it means we need to step out of our comfort zone. Which means, we become uncomfortable.

Should you dream big or just be realistic?

Well being realistic will give you a better chance of accomplishing the dreams you want to make into a reality. On the contrary, some will say that just dreaming big will be a waste of time. So, would you say that it is better to dream big, just be realistic or do both? In our video “The Dreamer” below we really got into the thoughts on being either or being both.

Envision Dream
Envision Dream, LLC

Why is it important to have a dream in your life?

The reason it is important to have a dream in your life is because it is important for all of us and all ages. Furthermore, dreams encompass our goals. Specifically, they give our life a purpose, a direction and a meaning. They help shape who we are, what we want and where we go. For instance, they shape our life choices, help build towards our future, give us a sense of control and hope. You don’t need to ask me twice why dreams are important. It should be noted that, I created a company called Envision Dream, LLC based on the philosophy of visualizing possibilities for future opportunities which came from a dream.

Why is it hard to follow your dreams?

The reason we sometimes feel our dreams are hard to follow is because we start reflecting on the dreams we haven’t fulfilled. This can make us frustrated and give up all together. Ultimately, dreams help us to move forward and grow as people. Remember, our dreams don’t have to be big to be considered an achievement.


Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground

Theodore Roosevelt

Our Next Sip N Think Chat is scheduled for January 28th, 2021. Topic: Dream Deadline You can Join us live on Instagram @sherisdreamcatcher 8pm est.

If you enjoyed reading The Desire to be a Dreamer but Rationally Realistic subscribe to our e-mail list at Sheri’s Dream Catcher to stay updated with new blog posts

Opinion Disclaimer-This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual