I just continue to pack it in and packing it in. What in the world is Sheri talking about? Wouldn’t you like to know? I could possibly be having a conversation with myself. I mean no one out there thinks like me. Oops!! Was I being conceited? Apparently, there are so many things coming to my mind. Do I tell you? Should I share them with you? Hahahahah, that’s a good one! I’m evil laughing right now. I hope you can hear it.
What will I pack with me today?

Every day I think about what I need for work and what I could possibly venture to do after work. OMG, It’s a Big Mystery? What will Sheri do next? Well, at least I know what I need for work on the daily. Sometimes, I’ll add a few extra items into my Envision Dream Catch All Light Blue Tote Bag. Let’s see, I need two cell phones. My lipstick mini bag that holds my hand sanitizer and wipes in it. My smaller purse that includes another smaller money purse. Two cell phone chargers and a mini battery pack. Another mini bag with head wraps and face masks. Sometimes I remember to grab a bag of fruit and crackers for snacks. If you are reading this correctly, it seems as though I pack a lot. My goal is to pack the necessities and bring the basics for a great night of adventure. The adventure can be calm and boring or fast and exciting. It doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is that I am doing something I enjoy.
Do I add an additional bag ?
The answer is simple. Well, since we are in the hot summer season, I do pack another bag that I put into my main bag. Specifically, I pack my Envision Dream Draw String Bag and put that into my Envision Dream Catch All Tote Bag. For instance, this bag will include, an Envision Dream Beach Towel, Flip Flops, A Drink Cup, Drinks, my beach pass, a plastic bag for my garbage, and my Envision Dream Classic Vision White Sweatshirt in case it gets cool at night. Having my draw string bag makes it easy for carrying when I am walking to my spot on the beach or hiking in the woods. Basically, it allows me to have both of my hands free.

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