Remember when you were young sitting in the playroom at the doctor’s office stacking building blocks. Of course you wanted to build the highest tower without it falling. Then your brother or sister comes running over to you and halts right in front of it. The tower you just built begins to sway at the top and then bang, it all collapses just by his or her heavy breathing. Go figure right? I used to get so upset when my sister or cousin did that to me. But hey I gathered them all back up and started building again. I seem to repeat this step with some areas in my life.
Is it a trend?
Some would debate the issue, but as I have gotten older I have realized that it’s ok to start all over. We learn by making mistakes and it teaches us to keep trying until we feel safe, secure and satisfied with our plans. We all have to start somewhere and we all have to fail at some point. See this is what shows us what we are made of. Will it break me? The answer is No. Will it hurt me? The answer is Yes. A great example is when you are first learning to walk, but determined and persistent as you are, you learn to walk. Everytime you fell, sometimes right on your face cause you couldn’t work the hand in front of my face save yet, you still tried to get back up and try again. The trend in this case would be you only learned to crawl and that’s it. Walking involved more muscles and strength.
Find A Spot to Lay Your Bricks
The key to a good foundation is making sure it’s level. How can my foundation be sturdy and strong if my first blocks are completely unlevel and shakey? That leaves much open for insects, rodents, cracks, water, you name it. My body, mind and soul are all part of my foundation. I have to be strong emotionally, physically and spiritually in order for me to pursue anything I put my mind too. I believe that our personal journey in life gets us balanced at the end. Of course the scale fluctuates on either side because I’m still learning and growing. The Journey is the best part and the most remembered.
Why Is A Leveled Structure Useful?
Being balanced helps us evolve. Everytime we rebuild or build from scratch we go back to the fundamentals that helped frame us. I used this technique when I went back to college as an older adult and earned my degree, when I purchased my first home, when I took my kids to Disney for the first time, when I got my first job and now Sheri’s Dream Catcher. Sure I have things to fix and improve upon both personally and professionally but it’s made me see all the wonderful things I can do and achieve.
Arizona Trip 2017
Do you feel unbalanced with something in your life? Have you looked at your foundation? What do you need and want to fix?